Evonik invests in Interface Polymers

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Evonik has invested in the British company Interface Polymers. This company’s additives simplify the processing of plastics such as mixtures with polyethylene or polypropylene.

The poor compatibility of polyethylene and polypropylene with other materials is a drawback. So far, costly and time-consuming surface preparation was the only solution. According to a press stement, the additive technology developed by Interface Polymers makes such preparation unnecessary. Moreover, it greatly reduces the amount of additives needed. As a result, mixed plastics are easier to recycle.

Using the technology in paints and coatings

Bernhard Mohr, head of Venture Capital at Evonik: “Many modern applications would be unthinkable without plastics, but recycling them is still a big challenge. Interface Polymers’ additive technology offers a solution and is an excellent fit with Evonik’s Circular Plastics Program.” The Sustainability Tech Fund launched by Evonik in 2022 is adding Interface Polymers to its investment portfolio. In addition to the investment by the Sustainability Tech Fund, Evonik’s Coating Additives business line has agreed an extensive development partnership with Interface Polymers with the aim of using its technology in paints and coatings.

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