Quality Control upon Arrival
Upon arrival, all boxes were opened and the flowers were checked. The roses must checked for humidity, botrytis, and the freshness of the flower, leaf yellowing and general appearance
Roses are considered to be a highly delicate product to transport maintaining a long lasting vase-life.
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Quality Check For Roses
The prices for roses and arrangements at a florist shop are determined by the quality of the flowers. If you want to have a competitive advantage over your competition, we suggest you try our Roses and other Flowers, we guarantee an outstanding product and service.
In all classes, subject to the tolerances allowed, the cut flowers must be:
- Presentation – Flowers which are budding or beginning to open must have reached a uniform stage of development in any one variety in any one unit of presentation
- Packaging – Packaging must protect the produce adequately. Paper or other materials in direct contact with the cut flowers must be new. Printed newspaper may, however, be used provided that it is not in direct contact with the flower.
- Uniformity – Each unit of presentation (bunch, bouquet, box and the like) must contain flowers of the same genus, species or variety (cultivar) and of the same quality class, and must have reached a uniform stage of development.
- Whole (although signs of disbudding and removal of leaves and thorns from the lower third of the stem are permitted provided they do not affect the commercial appearance or the presentation)
- Stems must be straight, rigid, strong and single, with healthy leaves.
- fresh
- normally formed
- free of animal parasites
- free of frost damage
- free of obviously “chlorotic” leaves.
Florist Roses Quality Display
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Keyword: Wholesale Flowers in Bulk