Building a Brand for your Flower Shop is not an easy task, As a Florist; you will have several questions you need to ask yourself. How do I want to look like? Will I resonate well with my target audience? A study shows that people will buy from brands that they are familiar with.
Florist resources
What’s a brand?
A brand is how people perceive you when they come into contact with your business. A brand consists the name of the product, logo, colors, the font used, language and reputation that makes who you are.
The process of building a Brand for your Flower Shop
Research your Target market
You need to understand your potential customers and define your target audience for your flowers business. Know how they prefer goods, the language used and use that information to define your brand.
Define your brand persona and focus.
Think of your brand as an individual and come up with a persona that will resonate with your target customers. Have a consistent tone language when communicating with them.For example, have a position statement that well describes your brand and answers the right questions.
Choose the look of your brand
Select colors and typography that you would want to represent your brand. Colors do just represent the look but also the feeling you want to communicate different colors have different meanings and feel.
You will have to also choose a different color from your competitor to not confuse your customers.
Choose your business name
Choosing a name for your flower business will be one of your biggest commitment you will have to make. you will need a name that is hard to imitate at the same time it should not be confused with your competitors.
Though branding is more than the name but the personality and reputation of the brand, your business name should be one of a kind.
Be consistent
Have a consistent with your brand message, design colors and also typography. This will reinforce your brand to your customers and help them to know what to expect with your products and services.
Evolve your brand as you grow
Have your brand colors and name in your shop and website, with time try to learn more about your customer how they interact with your brand and how to speak to them effectively, Evolve your brand according to what you learn. It is important to know that you can’t control how your customers would react to your brand.
Keyword: wholesale flower online