It is common thing for users to misunderstand the type or use of a product for another product, especially when they’re close substitutes. This common mistake runs through every market, food market, technology market, fashion, construction, etc
For example, there are two general types of gift cards; physical cards or e-gift cards and they both have different methods of usage, rates, and form. For many who are unaware of these differences and how they work, they may experience some challenges while using any of them.
iTunes is Apple’s biggest market for all kinds of media, software, and entertainment. iTunes gift card enables you to purchase apps, books, music, movies, and more, online.
However, it is important to note that iTunes gift cards are very different from Apple store gift cards, though many users assume them to be the same.
This article has emphasized the major difference between an iTunes gift card and an Apple store gift card.
What Is An Itune Gift Card?
An iTunes gift card is a purchased credit for Apple’s various digital services. This comprises the iTunes Store, Apple’s media, and software. It gives you access to Apple’s marketplace where you can buy music, movies, apps, and more. Itunes gift cards are solely for the purchase of Apple’s virtual products and services.
You can also use iTunes gift cards to subscribe to Apple Music and other Apple services.
What Is An Apple Store Card?
Apple Gift Cards are purchased credit for the purchase of various goods and services from the Apple Store. It enables the holder to buy various goods from any Apple store, as well as digital services too. With an Apple gift card, you can buy iPhones,iPad, MacBooks, etc from any Apple retail store. You can also purchase movies, music, apps and subscribe to Apple services on Apple Store, using your Apple store card.
Difference Between Itunes Gift Cards And Apple Store Cards
The major difference between them is that Itunes gift cards are only used online, while the Apple store gift can be used in-store and online.
Apple Store gift cards can be used at Apple’s online or physical retail stores to buy Apple hardware products like iPhones, iPads, Mac laptops, Apple Watches.
iTunes gift cards are used only for buying software on both the iTunes Store and App Store, such as music, movies, apps, TV shows, and books.
Knowing this difference, you may want to choose sending your loved ones an Apple card instead of an iTunes card, if they need to buy an iPhone or an Apple watch.
You will also send them an iTunes card when they need to buy new songs, movies, or apps from the Apple store.
Read also: Where to sell iTunes gift cards for the best rate in Nigeria.
3 III. Understanding Chinese Electrical Equipment Specifications
4 IV. Adapting Chinese Equipment for Use in the USA
5 V. Step-by-Step Adaptation Guide
6 VI. Possible Challenges and Solutions
7 VII. Can Chinese 220V Packaging Equipment run on USA 240V power?
8 VIII. How to get 240V single-phase power in the USA
9 Conclusion
10 Frequently Asked Questions
I. Introduction
As the world becomes more connected, it’s essential to understand how to adapt Chinese electrical equipment for international voltage standards. This guide will focus on making your Chinese equipment compatible with the US power supply, ensuring you can use your devices efficiently and safely.
II. Power Supply Systems in Different Countries
A key consideration when using electrical equipment from other countries is the varying voltage and frequency standards. For example, while China operates on 220V single phase and 380V three phase systems, the US uses 120V/240V single phase and 208V/480V three phase systems. Being aware of these differences is crucial to prevent equipment damage and ensure compatibility.
III. Understanding Chinese Electrical Equipment Specifications
Chinese electrical equipment generally falls into two categories: 220V single phase and 380V three phase devices. To adapt these devices for use in the US, it’s important to understand their specifications, including voltage, frequency, and plug types.
IV. Adapting Chinese Equipment for Use in the USA
To use Chinese electrical equipment in the US, you’ll need to take several steps to ensure compatibility with the local power supply. This process involves identifying the voltage and frequency requirements of your equipment, determining if it requires voltage conversion, and selecting the appropriate solution to meet these needs.
V. Step-by-Step Adaptation Guide
Identify Your Equipment’s Voltage, Frequency, and Plug Type To begin, determine the voltage, frequency, and plug type of your Chinese equipment. This information is typically found on the device’s label or in the user manual.
Determine Compatibility with US Voltage Next, assess whether your equipment can be used directly with US voltage or if it requires conversion. Keep in mind that the US operates on 120V/240V single phase and 208V/480V three phase systems.
Choose the Appropriate Voltage Converter, Transformer, or Adapter If your equipment requires voltage conversion, select the right voltage converter, transformer, or adapter for your needs. For 220V single phase equipment, a step-up transformer or voltage converter may be necessary. For 380V three phase equipment, a three phase converter may be required.
Install and Test Your Equipment After selecting the appropriate solution, install and test your equipment to ensure proper operation. Be sure to follow safety guidelines and consult an electrician if necessary.
Ensure Safety and Compliance Finally, ensure your equipment is compliant with local regulations, including safety standards and certifications.
VI. Possible Challenges and Solutions
When adapting Chinese electrical equipment for use in the US, you may encounter several challenges, such as warranty considerations, equipment performance, and compatibility issues. To overcome these hurdles, research your equipment thoroughly and consult experts as needed.
VII. Can Chinese 220V Packaging Equipment run on USA 240V power?
Yes, many Chinese 220V devices can run on the USA’s 240V power supply, but it depends on the specific device and its tolerance for voltage fluctuations. Most modern electrical devices are designed to handle a range of input voltages, usually indicated on the device’s label or in the user manual. If the device is rated for a voltage range that includes both 220V and 240V, it should work without issue.
However, if the device is rated strictly for 220V, using it directly on a 240V power supply may cause damage or reduce its lifespan. In such cases, it’s a good idea to use a voltage converter or transformer to adjust the voltage to a safe level for the device.
Before using any Chinese 220V device in the US, always check the voltage rating and ensure compatibility with the local power supply. If you’re uncertain, consult the device’s manufacturer or a qualified electrician for advice.
VIII. How to get 240V single-phase power in the USA
In the USA, obtaining 240V single-phase power is relatively straightforward, as most residential and commercial properties already have access to this voltage level for high-power appliances or equipment. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting 240V single-phase power in the USA:
Check Your Electrical Panel Inspects your electrical panel to see if it already has a 240V circuit breaker installed. Most American homes have a split-phase power supply, which provides both 120V and 240V through separate circuits. If a 240V circuit is not present, you may need to install a new one.
Consult a Licensed Electrician For safety reasons and to ensure compliance with local electrical codes, it’s essential to consult a licensed electrician when working with 240V power. An electrician can evaluate your electrical system and recommend the appropriate steps for obtaining 240V single-phase power.
Install a 240V Circuit Breaker If your electrical panel doesn’t already have a 240V circuit breaker, your electrician will need to install one. This involves connecting a new double-pole circuit breaker to the panel, which uses both live wires from the split-phase power supply to provide 240V.
Run the Appropriate Wiring After installing the circuit breaker, the electrician will run suitable wiring from the panel to the desired location for the 240V outlet or equipment. This wiring typically consists of three or four conductors: two hot wires, one neutral wire (optional), and one ground wire.
Install a 240V Outlet or Hardwire the Equipment Depending on your specific requirements, the electrician will either install a 240V outlet or hardwire the equipment directly to the new 240V circuit. Ensure the outlet or equipment connection uses the appropriate plug or receptacle type for your device, such as NEMA 6-15, NEMA 6-20, or NEMA 14-50.
Test the Circuit and Outlet Once the installation is complete, the electrician will test the new 240V circuit and outlet to ensure they are functioning correctly and safely.
Always consult a licensed electrician when working with 240V power to ensure safety and compliance with local electrical codes.
Adapting Chinese electrical equipment for international voltage standards is a critical process that requires careful planning and attention to detail. By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure the safe and efficient use of your Chinese devices in the US, while complying with local regulations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use Chinese electrical equipment in the US without any modifications? It depends on the equipment’s voltage and frequency compatibility. Some devices may require voltage converters, transformers, or adapters to function properly in the US.
Is it safe to use a voltage converter or transformer for my Chinese equipment? Yes, as long as you choose the appropriate converter or transformer for your equipment and follow safety guidelines during installation and operation.
Can I use a Chinese three phase device in the US? Yes, but you may need a three phase converter to adapt the 380V Chinese equipment to the 208V/480V US three phase system.
What should I consider when selecting a voltage converter or transformer? Consider the power rating, input and output voltages, and any additional features or certifications necessary for your specific equipment and local regulations.
Do I need a professional electrician to adapt my Chinese equipment for use in the US? While some equipment can be adapted by following the user manual or manufacturer’s instructions, it’s always a good idea to consult a professional electrician to ensure safety, proper installation, and compliance with local regulations.
建立語言敏感性(linguistic sensitivity)是關鍵。透過專業培訓讓教師了解方言背後的歷史與文化意義,並提升他們用於跨文化溝通技巧(intercultural communication skills)的能力。此外,在課程設計上植入方言素養(dialect literacy),例如引入Savon方言相關的文字資料或口述歷史,可以增進學生對本土與其他社群語言特色的了解與欣賞。
Savon murre – suomalaisten mielikuvat ja todellisuus
Miten tavalliset kielenkäyttäjät hahmottavat murteita ja millaisia mielikuvia niistä on? Tätä aihetta käsitteli Ikääntyvien yliopiston luentosarjassa Itä-Suomen yliopiston suomen kielen professori Marjatta Palander.
Aluksi Palander kertoo savolaismurteiden syntyhistoriasta. On oletettu, että savolaisuus syntyi Laatokan seudulta tulleiden muinaiskarjalaisten ja lännestä tulleiden esihämäläisten asettuessa samalle alueelle Mikkelin ja Juvan seudulle.
– Hämäläisten ja muinaiskarjalaisten risteymästä syntyi savolaisuus ja savon murre, Palander taustoittaa.
Täältä savolaiset ja savolaismurteet ovat levinneet laajemmalle alueelle, samalla murteet ovat kehittyneet eri alaryhmiksi, joita savolaismurteissa on kaiken kaikkiaan kahdeksan:
Päijäthämeen murteet (7A)
Etelä-Savon murteet (7B)
Savonlinnan seudun välimurteet (7C)
Pohjois-Karjalan murteet (7D)
Pohjois-Savon murteet (7E)
Keski-Suomen murteet (7F)
Keuruun, Ähtärin, Evijärven murteet (7G)
Kainuun murteet (7H)
– Toisin sanoen savolaismurteet kattavat Suomen nykyisestä pinta-alasta noin kolmasosan. Jos ajatellaan, että lähtöalue oli tuo 7B, niin aika hyvin savolaismurteet ovat levinneet, Palander toteaa.
Mitä ihmisille sitten tulee mieleen, kun puhutaan savon murteesta? Erottavatko ihmiset murteet tai murrealueet toisistaan? Taipuuko savon murre muiden murrealueiden edustajien suuhun? Muun muassa näitä kysymyksiä Palander käsittelee luennossaan:
Luento on taltioitu Kuopion kaupungintalolla Ikääntyvien yliopiston luentosarjasta. Kantti on perinteisesti valikoinut ohjelmiinsa Ikääntyvien yliopiston luentosarjan luentoja. Ikääntyvien yliopiston luennot järjestää Snellman-kesäyliopisto .
At first glance, it might seem like having medium hair means you have it easy when it comes to hair care. After all, medium is in the middle, so general hair care products and advice likely apply, right?
If only it were that simple! In reality, taking the best care of your medium hair (or any hair type) requires special know-how and effort. Read on for our tips for avoiding medium-hair mistakes, plus what products you really should be using to support your medium hair.
1. Taking Too Long Between Trims
There’s nothing like a fresh new haircut to inspire your confidence, but if you have medium hair, making time for regular appointments is about wellness as much as style. Experts recommend that people with medium strands get their haircut every two to three months to eliminate split ends and avoid damage. Taking time for a trim will help keep your medium hair well-kept and under control.
2. Neglecting Your Scalp
Your scalp is the source of support for all your strands. A healthy scalp not only nourishes new hair growth but also helps support the health of existing strands. Using a scalp detoxifying serum before you shampoo and condition is an important but often overlooked part of a medium hair care routine.
GRO Scalp Detoxifying Serum delivers support to the base of strands while helping exfoliate hair follicles and remove buildup that can cause dandruff and other hair issues.
3. Using the Wrong Shampoo and Conditioner
When it comes to choosing a shampoo and conditioner, it seems like anything should work for middle-of-the-road medium hair. Unfortunately, many common wash day products are packed with not-so-great ingredients that can harm your strands.
Instead, invest in a shampoo and conditioner that will work well with on medium hair. Your go-to products should be moisturizing, replenishing and free of harsh chemicals that can damage strands. For medium hair, a hydrating shampoo and conditioner kit is the perfect solution. The formula is enriched with the optimal amounts of botanical oils and our proprietary Karmatin™ to support hydration for all hair types.
4. Ignoring Your Microbiome
Just like the health of the rest of your body, hair health comes from within. And if your gut microbiome is out of balance, your hair will pay the price with increased follicle inflammation and shedding. To support your microbiome, stock up on fermented foods like miso and kombucha and introduce a probiotic to boost hair health into your daily routine.
Get the Guide: How to Care for Medium Hair
5. Not Using a Hair Mask Regularly
You already use conditioner, so why introduce an extra product into your routine? For people with medium hair, a regular hair mask can make the difference between flyaways and split ends and sleek, well-maintained strands — especially when it comes to heat-damaged or color-treated hair.
Try using a hydrating hair maskat least once a week to hydrate and protect your hair and restore its healthy appearance and texture.
6. Using the Wrong Brush
If you’re giving your medium hair a hundred strokes a day with a random drugstore hairbrush, you might be setting yourself up for trouble. Overbrushing causes damage to strands, and using the wrong brush makes it worse!
Make the switch to a tool that’s hair-friendly, like a wide paddle brush or a bristle brush that smooths strands. Whatever brush you choose, make sure it has a soft rubber backing to minimize the impact brushing will have on your strands.
Also: 10 Ways You’re Washing Your Hair Wrong
7. Skipping the Supplements
Even if you’re great about eating a well-balanced diet every day, there’s a chance your hair still isn’t getting the targeted nutritional support it needs. And nutritional deficiencies are a big source of trouble for medium strands, stressing out your body and causing increased hair fall.
Taking a daily supplement packed with hair-healthy vitamins and minerals is a great way to make sure your body has the tools it needs to encourage hair wellness.
8. Letting Stress Get the Best of You
Last but not least, the best thing you can do for your medium hair is to let go of some of your stress. Take time to indulge in the self-care practices that help you feel at ease, whether that means taking time for a walk, drawing yourself a nice bubble bath or meditating each day. Your hair will thank you!
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Photo credit: Natasha Kasim/Unsplash
Emily Beyda
Emily Beyda
Emily Beyda is a novelist, journalist and translator whose work has appeared in The Austin Chronicle, The Believer, Refinery29 and more. A graduate of New York University and Texas State MFA program in fiction, she is the author of two books: the novel "The Body Double" and "Suspended Whispers", a book of poetry in translation by Iranian poet Roja Chamankar. She's also the founder of The Coop Workshop, a community driven creative space.
Aroma King Salt Strawberry Kiwi is a beautiful coming together of tangy, sharp kiwi and sweet, juicy summer-ready strawberries. Discover the full selection of Aroma King vaping products for multiple flavour choices.
Flavours: Strawberry, Kiwi
Nicotine Type: Nicotine Salt
Bottle Size: 10ml
Nicotine Strength: 20mg
VG/PG Ratio: 50/50
Vaping Style: MTL
TPD compliant and made in the UK
Childproof and tamper-proof cap
Aroma King Salt delivers the smooth satisfaction of Aroma King’s delicious combination of flavour and vapour production with their nicotine salt solution geared to provide up to approximately 5000 puffs from a convenient 10 ml bottle, outweighing the cost of a single-use disposable vape.
A 20mg nicotine strength is available, so whether you’re a transitioning smoker or a seasoned vaper, nicotine salts provide a smoother throat hit, enriching your overall vaping experience.
Aroma King was founded in 2019 and is most recognised for its disposable vape devices crafted with affection for adults who want a pleasant, great-tasting, easy-to-use vape. These practical and budget-friendly vapes are unequalled among other e-cigarette manufacturers.
Aroma King Salt nicotine salts comprise 50% VG concentration and are perfect for mouth-to-lung vaping (MTL) with Vape Starter Kits and Pod Vape Kits. Aroma King Salt is not recommended for sub-ohm vaping due to its high nicotine content.
Aisu Zero Ice Blue Raspberry is a refreshing burst of sweet blueberries and tantalising raspberries, without the ice.
FREE Zap! 10ml Nic Salt 18mg Shot Included
Aisu Zero Ice E-Liquids by Zap! have the authenticity and clarity of flavour which recreates the full classic Japanese experience of freshly blended, refreshing fruits without the cooling ice menthol hit found in their signature Aisu vape juices.
Aisu Zero Ice Short Fill E-Liquids are best suited to Sub-Ohm Vape Kits.
These short fill vape juices are supplied in a 60 ml bottle, with 50 ml of flavour, leaving enough space for the free 10 ml 18mg Zap! nicotine salt shot to be added, achieving a total strength of nicotine, of approximately 3 mg.
Short fill e-liquids are most commonly created with a blend of 70+ VG, making them thicker than a typical 50 VG blend, which increases cloud production and flavour, when vaped at a higher wattage.