Engineering Fundamentals Refresh: Bernoulli’s Equation

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Time to read: 6 min

Fluid mechanics is one of the four branches of mechanics, the study of how fluids behave at rest or in motion — and you’re likely to use this knowledge as an engineer in real practice fairly often. I have used fluid mechanics to design heat exchangers for airplanes, to predict the flow of chemical solutions in a plating tank, determine the best method to dry parts after cleaning them, and to describe the impact that vortex generators have on fuel efficiency of an airplane. 

While you may not use fluid mechanics in your career as much as I have, it’s still a critical area to understand — it helps to explain phenomena in the world around us, including aerodynamics, propulsion, combustion, particle physics, meteorology, and astronomy.

Basis of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid mechanics encapsulates multiple pairs of concepts — first, statics and dynamics, then compressible and incompressible, then real and ideal flow types. And real flow is further divided into laminar and turbulent flow. 

The basis for fluid mechanics is based upon the interplay of five physics principles: 

  1. Second law of thermodynamics: limits the processes that can occur according to the first law of thermodynamics (law of conservation of energy) because energy also has a quality and not just a quantity to be preserved. Specifically, this law states that any naturally occurring process will always cause the universe’s entropy to increase; or the total entropy of an isolated system will not reduce over time. This law also provides a direction for heat transfer that always occurs from a hot body to a cold body (that’s why the HVAC system in your home adds heat in the winter and removes it in the summer — it doesn’t generate cold).
  2. Conservation of mass: in a chemical reaction, mass is neither created nor destroyed.
  3. Conservation of linear momentum: linear momentum is constant before and after a collision of two colliding objects (remember: linear momentum is equal to the mass of an object times the velocity of the object).
  4. Conservation of angular momentum: angular momentum is constant for a system with no external torque (remember: angular momentum is equal to the radius of rotation times the linear momentum).
  5. Conservation of energy: energy is neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes forms (think of a swinging pendulum).

These five principles are best understood when studying fluid dynamics, which is the study of how fluids move and interact with each other. It’s based on the principles of conservation of mass and energy, which states that the total mass and energy of an isolated system must remain constant. 

And the application of principle five to frictionless, laminar flow results in a relationship amongst pressure, velocity, and density which is known as Bernoulli’s Law — this law is defined by Bernoulli’s Equation or the Bernoulli Equation (sometimes referred to as the Bernoulli Principle or Bernoulli’s Principle). 

Origin of Bernoulli’s Equation

Daniel Bernoulli was a famous Swiss mathematician in the late 18th century, and he impacted many areas of scientific importance including atomic theory, the theory of risk, thermodynamics, and his most relevant work for our purposes, hydrodynamics, which was published in his book Hydrodynamica in 1738.

There are a few important relationships to understand about frictionless laminar flow before diving into Bernoulli’s Equation:

  1. As the speed of a fluid increases, the pressure decreases (same is true in reverse)
  2. Mass and energy are conserved
  3. The sum of pressure and kinetic plus pressure and potential energy densities is constant over time and over a streamline

Bernoulli’s Equation is rooted in common fluid mechanics concepts, especially conservation of energy. Read on for the derivation of Bernoulli’s Equation. 

Bernoulli’s Equation Explained

The core of Bernoulli’s Equation is the conservation of energy — which states that for a closed system, the total energy of the system must remain constant. For a moving fluid, the energy of the system can be broken down into two components which are measures of the amount of energy of the system at any given point: pressure and velocity. 

Let’s review the derivation of Bernoulli’s Equation to get a better understanding of its components and potential applications. For example, let’s consider an incompressible fluid (like water), moving through a frictionless, converging pipe, as shown below: 

Consider the following assumptions for Bernoulli’s Equation: 

  1. Fluid flow is one-dimensional and steady
  2. Fluid is inviscid (ideal fluid, all surface forces exerted on the boundaries of each small element of the fluid act normal to these boundaries); meaning there are no viscous forces in the fluid
  3. So, there is transfer of energy from kinetic to thermal energy within the fluid
  4. The flow is frictionless
  5. The stress tensor within the fluid is reduced to the pressure of the fluid and is a point function, scalar
  6. The fluid is homogenous
  7. There is no shear stress to account for

For the above scenario, we can define the following variables: 

  • F = force on the fluid to move it a certain distance
  • v = velocity of fluid
  • dx = defines the boundary layer for location 1 and 2 (gives distance ‘x’)
  • V = control volume represented by dV
  • y = height from ground

We can also define these variables for this scenario:

  • P = pressure 
  • = density
  • A = cross-sectional area of pipe
  • m = mass
  • K = kinetic energy
  • U = potential energy
  • g = force due to gravity (universal gravitational constant)

We know that the force at point one and point two are equal to the pressure of the fluid times the cross-sectional area of the pipe at that location: 


F1 = A1P1

F2 = A2B2

Knowing that work is force times distance, we can calculate the change in work from point 1 to point 2 as: 

dW = F1dx1 – F2dx2

dW = P1A1dx1 – P2A2dx2

Knowing that volume is equal to cross-sectional area(A) times width (dx) gives:

dW = P1dV1 – P2dV2

dW = (P1 – P2) dV

Work on the fluid is a result of moving the fluid against the force of gravity and changing kinetic energy of the fluid. This change in kinetic energy can be expressed as:

The change in potential energy from location one to location two can be expressed as:

dU=m2gy2 – m1gy1 = pdVg(y2-y1)

Now, knowing that the work done is equivalent to the kinetic and potential energies, due to the Law of Conservation of Energy, we get the following relationship: 


Substituting the above equations for W, K and U gives:

Dividing all the equation by dV gives:

Rearranging the equation so that all the location 1 variables are on the left and location 2 variables are on the right gives Bernoulli’s Equation:

From this last equation, we can see that the total mechanical change energy of any part of the fluid is a result of the work (potential and kinetic energy changes) done by the fluid external to the part, and is also a result of the changes in pressure from one location to another. Simplifying this for any point along the streamlined flow gives the more recognizeable form of Bernoulli’s Equation: 

P   –  


pv2 + pgy   =   constant

This constant is sometimes known as the Bernoulli Equation Constant, which means that the sum of the terms on the left-hand remains constant, regardless of what location along the flow’s path you choose. 

Bernoulli’s Equation in Real Life

If you are a mechanical engineer, biomedical engineer, aerospace engineer, or any type of engineer that deals with fluids, you will use Bernoulli’s Equation in real world applications. For example, in aeronautical engineering, Bernoulli’s Equation explains the flow of fluid over an aircraft and how an aircraft stays in the air. In simple terms, airplanes fly because air flows over the curved surfaces of the wings, which creates a low pressure area that accelerates the air traveling over the top of the wing and creates lift. 

In biomedical engineering, Bernoulli’s Law explains the flow of blood through veins and arteries in the cardiovascular system. Other common applications of Bernouilli’s Law include: 

  • flow through nozzles and channels
  • drag force in watercraft and automobiles
  • fluid flow measuring devices

Bernoulli’s Law is a fundamental principle of fluid dynamics that describes the relationship between the pressure, velocity, and density of a moving fluid. It has a wide range of applications in many different fields, ranging from aeronautical engineering to medicine. That’s why understanding Bernoulli’s Law is essential for anyone who wants to work with fluids.

Fictiv: Complex Parts at Ridiculous Speeds

Comprehensive understanding of Bernoulli’s Equation is key to crafting good designs  for parts involved with flowing fluids, but to get good parts, you also need a top-notch production parter. Fictiv is that partner who manufactures the quality, complex parts you need at ridiculous speeds. 

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Product Category :
Specialty Fuses
Manufacturer :
Bussmann / Eaton
Applications :
Electrical, Industrial
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  • Specifications
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Product Category :
Specialty Fuses
Manufacturer :
Bussmann / Eaton
Applications :
Electrical, Industrial
Approval Agency :
Breaking Capacity @ Rated Voltage :
Class :
Current Rating (Amps) :
delivery time :
24 hours
Fuse Type :
Specialty Fuses
Mounting Type :
Package :
Package / Case :
Rectangular, Blade
Part Status :
Response Time :
Series :
170M Fuses
Size / Dimension :
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Type :
Voltage Rating – AC :


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Waterproof Nylon Fabric Polyester Fiber Padding Outdoor Travel

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Basic Info.

Model NO.

100% Nylon

Age Group

Portable, Wearable, Waterproof

Outdoor Travel Blanket

Knitting Method
Box Quilted

Plain Color

Home, Travel, Airplane, Picnic, Camping

Polyester Fiber

Packable Bag

Lead Time
2-4 Weeks

Loading Port

Sample Time
1-3 Days


Transport Package


care label, wash label


HS Code

Production Capacity
10000 Per Month

Packaging & Delivery

Package Size
50.00cm * 50.00cm * 40.00cm

Package Gross Weight

Product Description

Product Description


Product Name Outdoor Travel Blanket Size 50″X70″ Color White, pink, yellow, blue, gray, etc can be customize Fabric 100% nylon,waterproof, windproof, dyed color Filling polyester fiber Weight 500g Workmanship box or diamond quilting, with buttons, corner with loops Packing portable cloth bag MOQ 100PCS Lead time 2-4weeks Sample samples can be ready within 3 days

Detailed Photos

 Soft nylon fabric

Durable 20D ripstop nylon shell protects from wind, stains, and pet hair while a Durable Water Repellant (DWR) finish resists water, spills and weather.

ø Waterproof
ø Windproof
ø Downproof

Lightweight & Packable

Weighing in at just around one pound (1lb 1oz with stuff sack), the Blanket is the perfect companion for traversing the backcountry Experience the perfect blend of warmth, weight, and packability.

ø Portable
ø Packable
ø Lightweight
ø Wearable


Different kinds of filling

The filling materials & weight can be customized.

ø Polyester fiber 
ø Goose down (the down content can be from 10% to 95%)
ø Duck down (the down conte
nt can be from 10% to 95%)


Different Size & Color

Size & Color can be customized


Single 50″x70″ Queen 54″x80″ King 88″x84″

Box /Weaving Design Quilted (Design can be customized)

Show Room


Packaging & Shipping

Company Profile

Wetex is the leading factory for home textile products, our core team have more than 15 years on hometextiles areas, our main porducts includes: different kinds of quilts, comforters, mattress topper, mattress protector, weighted blanket, outdoor blankets, pillows and cushions…

Quality control team: Wetex always control the products quality strictly and not allow any second level products to enter the markets to break our brand which Wetex are always pround of.

Products development: Wetex have professional products development and design team for new products development and new design to meet and lead the markets need.

Production advantage: Wetex have big factory with professional production team to guarantee the stable production capacity and supply.

Service: Wetex have the professional production team, sales and service team to supply the top quality products and professional service. Wetex can guarantee the products quality.





1.Can I get a sample to check the quality?

Of course.

We can provide a sample,but you should pay for the sample, when you place the order ,we will return this cost to you.

2.Can you provide ODM service?

Yes, We work on ODM orders.

Which means size, material, quantity,design, packing solution, etc, will depend on your requests,  and your logo will be showed on your products.

3.What is the MOQ for your production?

The MOQ depends on your requirement for color, size, material and so on. For some normal items, we have stock, will have no MOQ requirement.

4.Will the samples be free of charge?

The sample fee for most products will be returned after placing order, but customer need to pay international courier charges.

If you need customized logo or design, the sample charge will be needed.

5.What’s the shipping way?

For the small quantity order or urgent needed products,we can send them by air, and the large quantity goods are shipped by ocean according to your demands.  

Washable Yarn Crochet Polyester Knitting Puffy Thick Velvet Gia

non-woven geotextile fabric


Basic Info.

Model NO.
Kingson-Velvet knit blanket-019


Age Group

Anti-Pilling, Portable

Sofa Blanket

Knitting Method
Machine Weaved

Plain Color

Home, Travel, Airplane, Hotel

Production Methods
Hand Knitted

Transport Package
PE Bag +Carton

custom size

Customized Accept


HS Code

Production Capacity
8000 PCS/Month

Product Description

Product Description

Chunky Knit Blanket Throw

Hand-made polyester chunky knitted throw blankets is a thoughtful gift that warms up her heart just as much as it warms up her body. Have the power to relax you and your pet, perfect for anyone who is both stylish and practical

Note: We have various materials (cotton, polyester, velvet, acrylic, wool), various sizes (40*50inch, 50*60inch, 48*72inch, 60*80inch, etc.), color (red, yellow, navy, dark Gray, light gray, blue, pink, purple, white, beige, brown) blankets are available, Kingson strength factory, quality service, please feel free to contact


Detailed Photos


Product Parameters

    Product details

item   Chunky Knitted Blanket

Material    Polyester/Cotton/Velvet/Chenille

/Brand Name


Model Number

Kingson- Knit blanket

Size   50X50cm, 80X100cm,100x120cm, 100X150cm, 150X180cm,        200X200cm, etc can be customized


Accept customization

Color   White, pink, yellow, blue, gray, etc can be customize


Accept Customized Logo

Delivery time

Around 20 days after the deposit receipt. If it is a rush order, please contact us first to confirm the time


Inside: 1 piece roll packed in private thick PE bags; Outside: 2 pieces packed in standard carton; All labels, shipping marks and packing method can be negotiable


50 PCS/Color

 Sample: samples can be ready within 7 days




Company Profile

Our Advantages

Perfect supporting facilities + mature workers + familiar with international delivery process = perfect quality + stable delivery and service


1.Can I get a sample to check the quality?

Of course.We can provide a sample,but you should pay for the sample, when you place the order ,we will return this cost to you.

2.Can you provide ODM service?
Yes, We work on ODM orders.
Which means size, material, quantity,design, packing solution, etc, will depend on your requests,  and your logo will be showed on your products.

3.What is the MOQ for your production?
The MOQ depends on your requirement for color, size, material and so on. For some normal items, we have stock, will have no MOQ requirement.

4.Will the samples be free of charge?
The sample fee for most products will be returned after placing order, but customer need to pay international courier charges.
If you need customized logo or design, the sample charge will be needed.

5.What’s the shipping way?
For the small quantity order or urgent needed products,we can send them by air, and the large quantity goods are shipped by ocean according to your demands.  

Warm and Plush Feather Yarn Half Fleece Throw Blanket

sale Chlorine tablet

Basic Info.

Model NO.

100% Ployester

Age Group
All The People

Good Hand Feel, Soft and Comfortable

100% Ployester Blanket

Knitting Method
Machine Weaved

Printing Pattern

Home, Travel, Airplane, Picnic, Hospital, Bath, Hotel


Transport Package
OPP Bags/Cartons

L-40in W-30in


HS Code

Production Capacity
500000 Sets/Month

Product Description

Product name Half Fleece Throw Blanket Material 100% ployester Style Morden Application scenario Anywhere

Our Advantages:

1 Fast delivery with good quality. 2 Accept OEM and customized design. 3 Urgent order can overtime production. 6 A sample fee will be charged, which will be refunded in full after the first order is generated. 8 Have CE, SAA, BSCI, ROHS, UL, BSCI and BIS certification and test report to make you business safe. 9 Different shipping way to meet your request (by express, by air or by boat. 10 R$D department will update 3-5pcs new design every month. 11 Designer will provide drawing. 12 When you come to company we will arrange driver to pick up, if need, we can book hotel for you. 13 Bulk order, we will use your own customized carton.


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Why Electric Tricycles from China Are Transforming Global Transportation: A Guide to Choosing the Best Model

The global transportation landscape is evolving rapidly, and electric vehicles are at the forefront of this transformation. Among these, electric tricycles have gained remarkable attention for their versatility, affordability, and eco-friendliness. As the demand for sustainable mobility solutions increases, electric tricycles from China are emerging as a game-changer, offering innovative designs and unparalleled value to individuals and businesses worldwide.

In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind the growing popularity of electric tricycles, explore why China electric tricycles dominate the market, and highlight how electric cargo tricycles from China are revolutionizing urban logistics.

1. The Rise of Electric Tricycles: A Sustainable Solution

The increasing emphasis on green transportation has led to a surge in the adoption of electric vehicles, and electric tricycles are no exception. These three-wheeled wonders provide a sustainable alternative to traditional vehicles, addressing the unique needs of urban commuters, small businesses, and delivery services. Here’s why they’re becoming so popular:

a. Eco-Friendly Technology

Electric tricycles operate on rechargeable batteries, producing zero emissions. This makes them an ideal choice for reducing urban pollution and meeting global sustainability goals. Whether it’s for personal use or commercial purposes, their environmental impact is significantly lower than that of fossil-fueled vehicles.

b. Versatility for Diverse Applications

Electric tricycles come in various configurations, ranging from passenger models to heavy-duty cargo carriers. Their versatility makes them suitable for commuting, transporting goods, and even serving as mobile shops or food carts. For businesses, especially in densely populated cities, electric cargo tricycles from China have become indispensable tools for last-mile delivery.

c. Cost-Effective Operation

Compared to cars or motorcycles, electric tricycles have lower maintenance and operating costs. The absence of a combustion engine reduces wear and tear, and the cost of electricity is significantly cheaper than gasoline, making them a budget-friendly option for individuals and businesses alike.

2. Why China Leads the Electric Tricycle Industry

China has established itself as the global leader in electric vehicle production, and its dominance in the electric tricycle market is no exception. Here’s why electric tricycles from China are shaping the future of transportation:

a. Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities

Chinese manufacturers have heavily invested in research, development, and production facilities, enabling them to produce high-quality electric tricycles at scale. With state-of-the-art technology and automation, they ensure consistency, reliability, and innovation in every model they produce.

b. Competitive Pricing

China’s cost-efficient production methods allow manufacturers to offer electric tricycles at highly competitive prices. This affordability makes China electric tricycles accessible to consumers worldwide, particularly in developing countries where cost is a major factor in purchasing decisions.

c. Diverse Product Range

From compact urban models to heavy-duty electric cargo tricycles, Chinese manufacturers offer a wide range of designs to cater to different needs. They’re constantly innovating, with features like longer battery life, improved motor efficiency, and smart controls that make their products stand out.

d. Global Export Expertise

With well-established export networks, Chinese manufacturers ensure seamless delivery of electric tricycles to international markets. Their extensive experience in global trade makes them reliable partners for businesses and individuals looking to source high-quality tricycles.

3. Electric Cargo Tricycles: A Game-Changer for Urban Logistics

One of the most significant contributions of electric tricycles from China is in the realm of urban logistics. As e-commerce and delivery services continue to expand, the demand for efficient, eco-friendly cargo solutions has skyrocketed. Here’s how electric cargo tricycles from China are addressing this need:

a. Efficient Last-Mile Delivery

Electric cargo tricycles are perfect for navigating congested city streets and narrow alleyways where larger vehicles struggle. Their compact design allows them to reach destinations quickly, making them ideal for last-mile delivery services.

b. High Load Capacity

Despite their small size, electric cargo tricycles boast impressive load capacities, often exceeding 300 kilograms. This makes them an excellent choice for businesses involved in food delivery, parcel transportation, or even mobile vending.

c. Reduced Operating Costs

For businesses, cost efficiency is crucial. Electric cargo tricycles are not only cheaper to operate than vans or trucks but also require minimal maintenance, making them a financially sustainable option for urban logistics.

d. Customization Options

Many Chinese manufacturers offer customizable cargo tricycles, allowing businesses to tailor the design and features to their specific needs. Whether it’s insulated compartments for food delivery or expanded storage for bulky items, customization enhances functionality and efficiency.

4. How to Choose the Best Electric Tricycle from China

With so many options available, finding the right electric tricycle can be overwhelming. To help you make an informed decision, here are some key factors to consider:

a. Purpose and Usage

Determine whether you need the tricycle for personal commuting, passenger transport, or cargo delivery. This will help you narrow down the models that best suit your needs.

b. Motor Power and Battery Capacity

The motor’s power and battery life directly impact the tricycle’s performance. Look for models with higher wattage motors for heavy loads or steep terrains, and choose a battery with sufficient range to meet your daily requirements.

c. Build Quality and Durability

Ensure the tricycle is made from high-quality materials like steel or aluminum for durability. Weatherproof components are also essential if you plan to use the tricycle in various conditions.

d. Manufacturer Reputation

When sourcing from electric tricycle manufacturers in China, research their reputation and track record. Trusted manufacturers often have positive reviews, certifications, and a strong global presence.

e. After-Sales Support

Reliable after-sales support, including warranties and access to spare parts, is crucial for maintaining your electric tricycle. Ensure the supplier offers comprehensive support to address any issues that may arise.

5. Trusted Chinese Manufacturers for Electric Tricycles

China is home to numerous reputable manufacturers and suppliers of electric tricycles. Below are some of the key players in the industry:

a. Electric Cargo Tricycles

Many Chinese manufacturers specialize in heavy-duty cargo models designed for urban logistics. These companies are known for their durable designs, high load capacities, and customizable options.

b. Passenger Tricycles

For businesses involved in passenger transportation, Chinese manufacturers offer spacious and comfortable electric tricycles. These models are commonly used in rural areas or as eco-friendly alternatives to traditional taxis.

c. Affordable Commuter Models

For individuals seeking a cost-effective mode of transportation, Chinese electric tricycles provide an excellent balance of performance, affordability, and convenience.

Conclusion: Why Electric Tricycles from China Are the Best Choice

Electric tricycles are revolutionizing transportation, offering a sustainable and practical solution for commuting, logistics, and more. With their affordability, advanced features, and diverse designs, electric tricycles from China have become the preferred choice for consumers and businesses worldwide.

Whether you’re looking for a lightweight commuter bike or a robust electric cargo tricycle from China, Chinese manufacturers provide high-quality options that cater to every need. By prioritizing key factors like motor power, battery life, and build quality, you can find the perfect model to suit your lifestyle or business.

As the world embraces greener transportation, China electric tricycles are paving the way for a cleaner, more efficient future.

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