


この1926年の米国の音声がなくて冒険的な映画《酋長の息子》(Lefils ducheik)は最初鏡の映画に入る腕時計があるのです。衆生の米男子のルドルフ・バレンチノ(RudolphValentino)を傾倒さして映画の中で自分のカルティエTankSolo鋼の腕時計をつけました。彼のもその時の映画業の最も自慢げに話す逸話になったのを堅持します。







007シリーズの映画には、1部にはオメガの大写しがあり、その話題もある。『Skyfall』についてこのオメガSeamaster 300 Spectreデザインの腕時計の脚本の会話は:


言う恩・強森(DwayneJohnson)は《最後の日に倒壊する》(SanAndreas)はいっしょに盛んな刺し縫いする海をつけていて、これはすでに彼の数え切れない硬骨漢のイメージの中で、数回が時計をつけて出演したのがなくて、私達を信じる理由があらせて、これらの時計はすべて彼が心から愛するのです。これは盛んな刺し縫いする海PaneraiLuminor SubmersibleAmagneticで、もっと多い黒色の元素に参加して、表面の大きさは47mmで、かたくて丈夫なチタン金属を使って製表の殻を打って、並外れているのは磁界干渉の能力を抵抗する、言う恩・強森はそれをつけていて妻と娘とロサンゼルスを救いました。《スピードと激情の6》(Fast& Furious6)は中彼はグロックオリスOrisPro―Di―ver Ti―ta―nium Chro―no―graph1000mをつけて猛スピードで車を運転します。

ハリウッドの亡き男性スターのポール・ウォーカー(PaulWalker)主演する《スピードと激情の6》(Fast& Furious6)のつけるジャガー・ルクルトDeepSeaChronograph深海の時間単位の計算の腕時計、今のところも映画の中の絶唱になります。

《TheDevil WearsPrada》(Pradaの悪魔を着る)の中で実習生の身分の制限を補うため、アニー・海の瑟のノエンドウが新作映画《Intern、The》(実習生)中でカルティエのTankSoloシリーズ、成功を付けて寝返りを打っていて女性になったになっているCEO後に、手首で極上ひとつ入ったのに植えることができます。ハリウッドのあるプロデューサーは言ったことがあってことがあります:女で手元(体)に植えるのが入る最も簡単な事で、生死に関係がなくて対抗して、技術に関係がなくて解決して、彼女はよくあの時計を付けてでさえすれ(あれ)ば。映画《Intern、The》の宣伝言葉は“経験するのがいつまでも流行遅れでない履歴だ”で、時計をつけるのも:クラシックはいつまでも流行遅れでない組み合わせです。PS:くれぐれもInternを検索しないでください、The,Cartierのキーワード、あなたが一大ヒープカルティエの実習生の求人情報を探してくるためです。

ケイトの・布レッチェも特にウッディ・アレンの指導のクラシックの映画《BlueJasmine》(青いジャスミン)の中でひとつのカルティエのTankをつけるでした。このブロックリストは整部の映画の中で2度現れて、第1回は彼女の最も順風満帆な時です;別が一回旦那さんの不倫を知るのだ時。それ以後、この腕時計は整部の映画の中でもう現れたことがなくて、多分彼女と妹の引き継いだ劇の筋に迎合するのために:VanCleef に従います&Arpelsあれらの高級の真珠や宝石、いっしょに売り払うにお金を計画して使いました。整部の映画の中で、ケイトの持った贅沢品も10件を上回らないで、すべて異なる組み合わせによってやっと関門(難関)を突破して、たとえばこの腕時計、それぞれ異なるチェーンブレスレットを配合して、その上製作グループは行きがおっくうで多すぎる道具を借りて、ウッディ・アレンがそれでは主客転倒になると感じるため、繰り返し利用して、かえってこの映画の中の流行の哲学を成し遂げました。

Moddler Brings Star Wars Holochess to Life with 3D Printing

Time to read: 1 min

Ever wonder how the fantastical creatures you see in Star Wars are brought to life? There are some incredible tools at the hands of filmmakers, animators and producers these days, one of which is 3D printing.

So when Lucasfilm wanted to re-animate the lovable holochess game in The Force Awakens, they worked with Academy Award Winner Phil Tippett, the man who first imagined, built and animated these amazing creatures in stop motion, to seek out the highest quality 3D printing shop in the Bay Area: our partner, Moddler.

Moddler 3D printed each of the incredibly detailed miniatures needed for the new holochess game in The Force Awakens, from which molds were made to articulate each character.

It’s incredible what 3D printing can do to realize the ideas of our imagination. The best CGI companies like Tippett Studio know that quality is incredibly important to ensure 3D parts accurately represent their ideas and we’re proud they trust Moddler like we do.

To order 3D parts from Moddler and see more of their portfolio, visit their shopfront here.

Pool Cover Removal, Cleaning, and Storage

Taking care of your pool cover is just as important as taking care of the pool itself! A damaged or dirty pool cover can cause a heap of problems for you and your pool. When it’s time to open your pool up in the spring, pool cover removal, cleaning, and storage should be at the top of your opening care list. So let’s go over the best practices for tending to your pool cover during pool opening season.

Before You Begin…

Here’s how to remove both pool cover types, safety pool covers and winter pool covers. But first, a few tips:

  1. Get some helpers. Removing a pool cover by yourself is no picnic. Just two people are needed in most cases.
  2. Clean it before folding. Leaves, dirt and debris are bad for the fabric and will only end up in the pool when you close it in the fall.
  3. Accordion fold the cover, also known as fan-folding. This makes it much easier to put it on the pool next time.
  4. Patch any holes you have now, before putting it away and forgetting about it.

With these tips in mind, here’s how to remove, clean and fold a winter pool cover in the most efficient way possible. These methods will work for aboveground pools or in-ground pools.

Safety Pool Cover Removal

  1. Hose, skim, or blow off the pool cover thoroughly.
  2. Hose, broom or blow off the surrounding pool deck.
  3. Loosen all springs with your spring removal tool.
  4. Flip the springs inward on top of the cover after removal.
  5. Tighten down cover anchors with 1/4-inch hex key.
  6. Pull one end of cover over the pool deck 4-6 feet.
  7. With a helper on the other side of the pool, put your foot on the cover seam that runs between you. With your opposite hand, grab the cover where the next seam meets the strap/spring. Pull this seam to meet the pool cover edge.
  8. Continue fan-folding the pool cover, seam to seam, accordion style.
  9. Use a leaf blower or a hose while folding, if needed, to clean debris.
  10. When the cover is folded into one long section, fold this in half, then half again. Roll up the last portion tightly. Stuff it into the cover bag and allow to drain before storing for the summer.

Ten steps seems like a lot, but you know that it only takes 10–15 minutes to remove, clean, and fold a safety pool cover. You paid a little more for your efficient, time-saving purchase, and now it’s payback time.

Winter Pool Cover Removal

The winter pool cover removal process is nearly as easy as removing a safety cover. Since all the water from the melting snow or rain accumulates on top of a winter cover, the first step is to remove this water. Any kind of cover pump will become your useful tool for the next several hours. Run a hose out to a sewer or the farthest part of the yard.

Now, if you are fortunate enough to own a winter leaf catcher, you can pull 99 percent of the leaves and debris off the cover with one easy motion. Leaf catchers are inexpensive, wide-mesh nets that you place on top of your winter pool cover. They are easy to remove from the pool; you can haul the whole mess somewhere appropriate to dump it out.

If you don’t have a leaf catcher on the winter pool cover, grab that long pole and start skimming. We need to remove 99 percent of the leafs, sticks, bugs and other debris by hand. It’s much easier to use a leaf rake type of skimmer net to remove the leaves and debris while there is still some water on the cover. Having a helper with a plastic bristled pool brush on a pool pole can help push the debris into an area where you can scoop it up with a leaf net.

After all the debris is off, plug the cover pump back in and remove any remaining water. Now, it’s time to remove whatever was holding your cover in place. If it’s water tubes, flip open the lids and drain them. Hose them clean, fold them or roll them up, and put them in a box, safely located for next time. If you use the time-saving Aqua Blocks, just pop the tops, empty the water, and stack them up.

Above Ground Pool Winter Cover Removal

After all the water is removed from the above ground pool winter cover, loosen the cable/wench assembly and remove the water bags that secure the pool cover around the pool. Be careful not to allow the pool cover to fall in the pool as you remove the bags. Have at least one helper on hand, and two would be helpful.

Finally, it’s time to pull the pool cover off the pool. If it’s windy, pull the cover off lengthwise in the direction the wind is blowing. With a helper on the opposite side of the pool, pull the cover rapidly from one end to the other, keeping it waist high and not letting the edges dip into the water.

If there is still a few gallons of water on the cover, concentrate it into one area and continue pumping. When it’s down to a few gallons, both you and your helper can grab up the cover and pull it completely off and away from the pool.

Remove the cover to a clean area, so that you can spray down the cover. Sloping driveways work best, but a clean, grassy hillside will work, too. After rinsing and brushing with a pool brush or push broom, allow the cover to dry before folding. Be careful not to leave the cover over top of grass for too long; it may brown the grass temporarily.

Folding a Pool Cover

I’ve mentioned the term accordion fold or referred to fan-folding several times in this post already. This way of folding your pool cover will make it super easy to reinstall, so it’s worth learning and using the method to fold your pool cover. It’s done the same way of folding a sheet of paper to make a paper fan, shown left.

Things to Avoid

1. Pump off all of the water on a winter cover before trying to remove it.

2. Don’t store the cover in an area frequented by nesting rodents.

3. Be careful cleaning and pulling on old covers, which may tear easily.

4. Put down safety cover anchors first to avoiding snagging and tripping.

Pool Pump Parts Explained

The heart of the your pool circulation system, your pool pump is called to perform continuous duty, every day of the pool season. And like your precious heart, keeping your pool pump working is the most important part of pool maintenance. When the pump doesn’t work, nothing works – and this needs to be fixed fast.

Knowing the components of your pool pump, as well as a general understanding of how the pump and motor operates, can be very helpful in a quick diagnosis and repair.


The lid assembly, includes the lid (or cover), lid o-ring and clamp. Several modern pumps use the Cam & Ramp style of 1/4-turn locking lid shown above (1), which replaced the steel clamp band (1) shown upper left, which replaced dual knobs used on many older pumps.

Common problems include damaged o-rings, cracked pump lids or faulty clamp bands or just loose lids. The pump lid must be very tight to create an air-tight seal.

TIP: Use a Teflon based pool lube on the pump lid o-ring to help seal and protect.


The pump Volute could also be called the Impeller Housing, but that’s a bit of a misnomer, as the volute really handles the volume of water leaving the impeller. The Volute (8) is connected between the Hair & Lint Pot and the Seal Plate, but some pumps like the Whisperflo and Superpump for example, have a one-piece Volute/Strainer.

Common problems include cracking from freeze damage or plumbing damage. Not usually a common replacement part, but can be replaced fairly easily if needed.


Some pumps have a Strainer Pot, aka Hair & Lint basket assembly that is separate from the Volute. On larger commercial pumps, the assembly is always separate, as the baskets can reach 12″ in diameter. For residential pumps, the pump basket diameters are usually 6″.

Common problems include cracked baskets or cracking from freeze damage or plumbing damage. Not usually a common replacement part, but the Strainer can be replaced if needed. Power-Flo’s check-valve (11) can become damaged. Missing drain plugs (13), or bad pump lid o-rings.

TIP: Cracks around the inlet port can be fixed by tightening a fitting into the port until the crack widens then clean with pipe cleaner. Fill crack with ABS glue and quickly unthread fitting to seal.


The Diffuser (16) encloses the impeller, to focus the draw of water into the impeller eye, and control the flow out of the impeller with a series of stationary vanes. The Diffuser seals the impeller eye up to the back of the Pump Housing (1), to create suction.

Common problems include a missing or damaged Diffuser Gasket (3) or O-ring, an oh-so important part to your pool pump. Sometimes they fall off the front end of the Diffuser, when removing the motor for service.

TIP: If the Diffuser does not tighten down fully over the impeller, the impeller may not be fully seated.


The Impeller (12) is a rotor used to increase the pressure of the pool water. The opposite of a turbine, which uses the water flow to create energy, an impeller uses energy to create water flow.

Common problems include clogging with fine debris like grass clippings, pine needles, pebbles, seeds or the stamens from flowering trees. Reach into the eye with needle nose pliers, or remove the motor and ream the impeller vanes with a small wire.

Impeller wear rings are small plastic rings (10) that protect a misaligned impeller from rubbing, and must be installed before placing the Diffuser.

TIP:  Each horsepower motor is matched to a slightly different sized impeller, with a different part number.


A shaft seal (14), located behind the impeller, is an ingenious two-piece device that allows the motor shaft to pass through the seal plate, spin at nearly 3500 RPM, and not leak water along the shaft, protecting the motor and preventing leaks.

Common problems include leaking and failure due to high heat, poor water chemistry, salt or ozone corrosion, or water-hammer damage. Shaft Seals are inexpensive, but only one size fits your particular pump. Most pumps use seal #100, #200, #201 or #1000 seals.

TIP: The shaft seal only can be installed in one correct manner. Counter-intuitively, the soft rubber side of the larger ‘spring-half’ of the shaft seal goes toward the impeller, and the hard plastic side faces the motor.


The Seal Plate (5) and a Bracket in this case, is what is attached to the motor, behind the impeller (2). It is called a seal plate not because it seals up to the pump volute, which it does, but because it provides a place to install the back-half of the shaft seal (3), the ceramic ring installed in the center of the Seal Plate.

Common problems are not common with a Seal Plate, but older Polaris booster pumps as shown above may experience small stress fractures around the seal seat, which requires replacement.

TIP: Use a Teflon based Pool Lube to help hold the Seal Plate O-ring in place when replacing a motor assembly back into the pool pump.


The Motor (1) is electrically driven, and the power causes the rotor to spin as the electromagnetic poles alternatively attract and repel each other. The motor is connected to the impeller (21), and when fed an air-tight supply of water, will create pressure and water flow. New style variable speed motors permanent magnet motor, which run cooler and quieter and with longer lifespan than their less efficient induction motors, used on standard pumps.

Common problems include overheating, shorting of the windings, hot spots, water damage. Most pool pump motors last around 8 years, or longer if you’re lucky.

TIP: For areas with heavy rain or strong sunshine on the pump area, consider a vented Motor Cover to protect the motor.


For those of you with the Variable Speed pump, a Variable frequency drive (VFD) is what is used to vary the frequency and voltage of power supply. The VFD also controls ramp-up and ramp-down of the motor during modes or programs. This is essentially the ‘hump’ that sits atop the rear of the VS pump motor.

Common problems include problems with the control assembly (23) or motor drive (25), or a new control or wiring covers. Before buying, run through the complete diagnostic in the owner’s manual, and contact the pump manufacturer to verify the diagnosis.

TIP: For problems with your VFD, contact the manufacturer as it may be covered under warranty.


The Wire Harness is a name for the pump power wires and conduit, along with the conduit connector fittings. The entire assembly of 3 wires, flexible conduit and connectors is called a ‘wire whip’ by some pool guys.

Common problems include cracked conduit or wires, or loose connectors, especially after 20 or 30 years. If your pump wire whip needs to be replaced to lock out moisture and wet fingers, it’s an easy project that won’t cost much money or time to correct.

TIP: Buy a 12/3 Wire Whip Kit with 3/4″ conduit/connectors, in the length needed to reach your timer or switch box.

SMOK Cherry Ice Nic Salt


SMOK Cherry Ice takes the signature flavour of cherry and smoothly blends it with ice for a luscious, juicy sensation.
Explore the full range of SMOK Nic Salts, providing up to twenty intense and pure bar-inspired fruit and menthol flavours, such as Blueberry Sour Raspberry and Watermelon Ice.


  • Flavours: Cherry, Ice
  • Nicotine Type: Nicotine Salt
  • Bottle Size: 10ml
  • Nicotine Strength: 10mg & 20mg
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50
  • Vaping Style: MTL
  • Easy Fill Nozzle & Childproof Cap

SMOK Nic Salt e-liquids are conveniently packaged in 10ml bottles, providing vapers with a cost-saving and environmentally friendly refillable alternative to disposable, single-use vapes.

With 10mg and 20mg nicotine salt strengths available, you can quickly satisfy your cravings. Using nicotine salts provides a smoother throat hit, enhancing your overall vaping experience.

SMOK is a vaping hardware manufacturer that has been around since 2010. They make products for all types of vapers, from beginners to experts. Their devices are easy to use and come in different types, such as MTL starter kits and sub-ohm kits for those who like to create big clouds.

With a well-balanced 50/50 VG/PG blend, SMOK Nic Salt e-liquids are ideally used with mouth-to-lung vaping with Vape Starter Kits and Pod Vape Kits. 

Are you new and trying out vaping for the first time? You should check out our beginners’ guide, where we simplify vaping to its fundamentals and explain the benefits of switching to your first vape kit.

Judge the quality of alumina wear-resistant ceramic liner

With the continuous development of society, alumina wear-resistant ceramic liners have been widely used in various fields, so how do consumers judge the quality of alumina wear-resistant ceramic liners when purchasing wear-resistant ceramic liners?

Alumina wear-resistant ceramic liner is a new ceramic chemical material with low wear, high specific gravity, and high hardness. It is mainly made of alumina (AL2O3) and is sintered at a high temperature of 1700°C. It is widely used in thermal power plants and steel, chemicals, cement, and other industries, it is used on all mechanical equipment with heavy wear such as coal conveying, material conveying, pulverizing, ash discharge, dust removal system, etc. Products of different purity (defined by alumina content) can be selected according to different needs.

Alumina wear-resistant ceramics are numerous in the market. When customers choose wear-resistant ceramics, they will encounter various problems. Engaged in the alumina wear-resistant ceramic industry for many years, serving many customers and meeting the various needs of different customers. Based on long-term experience, an effective method for testing alumina wear-resistant ceramic liners is introduced, as shown below:

Observe carefully.

In other words, carefully observe the surface details of the ceramic liner. High-quality alumina wear-resistant ceramic lining board, uniform color, smooth surface, no roughness, no black spots. In addition, the plug on the welded wear-resistant ceramic liner must be consistent with the inner hole of the liner without any gap.

Measurement tolerance.

Vernier calipers can be used to measure the length and width of alumina wear-resistant ceramic liners, but the shrinkage characteristics of ceramics should also be considered when measuring, and there will be certain tolerances.

Measure the density.

It is recommended to use the drainage method to measure the density of the alumina wear-resistant ceramic liner.

Abrasion resistance test.

The commonly used test method is to use a sandblasting machine with a pressure of 4.0kg/cm3, a distance of 50mm, a spray angle of 45 degrees, and a time of 60 minutes, and then measure the degree of wear.

Hardness test.

Test HV50 or HV20. The hardness test of the lining board can be carried out according to the specified method.

Keyword: bronze valve






サイズ:15 . 8 x:23 . 6 x 6 . 2ミリ


サイズ:15 . 8 x:23 . 6 x 6 . 2ミリ


Keyword: exness 評判

What are the Top Web Development Trends in 2022 You Should Know?

The year 2022 started not so long ago. Technology is developing very quickly and it’s worth taking a look at what novelties await us in the coming months. Learning more about them will allow you to stay up to date and not be left behind. The following list covers issues from many areas, but all of them have one thing in common – which is web development.

1. Progressive web applications (PWA)

At the beginning of last year, more than half of the Internet traffic was generated by mobile devices. It’s a very quickly developing market, and new technologies are coming along with new trends. Thanks to a progressive web application, a web page can also be a mobile application that any user can install on their phone. This brings many benefits for both the user and the website owner, such as:

  • common code for all platforms (no need to create separate versions for iOs and Android),
  • offline availability,
  • simple installation,
  • fast operation.

2. Artificial intelligence

Chatbots, also called virtual assistants, communicate with website visitors and help them. They’re able to interact and answer questions. This technology is already so well-developed that it’s often difficult for us to guess whether we’re talking with a computer or a person.

This technology can also be used for voice control. Although voice dialing was available many years ago, it didn’t work very well. It was the development of artificial intelligence that finally allowed for significant improvement of speech recognition systems. We can see a clear trend and a new wave of products: home appliances and voice assistants like Siri and Alexa. Many web applications are likely to go in this direction as well, in order to be able to offer voice-based navigation.

Artificial intelligence is based on machine learning. This means that a bot learns and develops itself during its work, over time becoming better and better in conducting conversations. The projected annual growth rate for artificial intelligence is 33% by 2027.

3. Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an area that has been developing strongly over the last few years. Thanks to it, we’re able to turn on the vacuum cleaner, pull the blinds in the living room or turn off the light – all while being outside the home. Analytical data from devices can now be sent directly to their manufacturers, allowing them to continuously improve their products. It may also enable efficient communication between a device and a website in the future.

4. Dark mode

This term is used to describe a user interface where a dark colour is used as the main background color. It’s a complete reversal of the trends that designers have been following for many years. As it turned out, however, this mode has many advantages, such as:

  • Lower eyestrain. Looking at a bright screen for hours, especially in low-light conditions, tends to strain the eyes.
  • Increased readability – Dark backgrounds improve the page’s contrast making the content clearer and more accessible – especially for the visually impaired.
  • Energy saving. Brighter backgrounds tend to draw more power, which will drain your phone’s battery faster. If you apply a dark theme, users will be able to spend more time on your website.

5. Blockchain

This technology is invariably associated with cryptocurrencies. It’s used to send and store information about Internet transactions. However, unlike traditional banking systems, blockchain is decentralized. Therefore, there’s no need for a main server or data centers for it to operate. At the same time, it’s resistant to data manipulation and hacker attacks. For this reason, many banks have already started to create their own algorithms based on blockchain to improve the security of their own infrastructure and provide better user protection.

However, blockchain can be used for more than payment transactions. This technology offers great opportunities and may completely change the way of communication in the future – between people, as well as between government institutions and banks.

6. Cybersecurity

More and more services are being transferred to the Internet while companies are collecting more and more data about us. The COVID-19 pandemic has only accelerated this trend, and now we’re able to carry out most things online – without leaving home. At the same time, there was a 248 percent increase in DDoS attacks. In 2020 alone, there were over 10 million such attacks. This clearly shows that companies have to take more and more care of the security of their data and systems by investing in appropriate IT departments, security audits, and penetration tests.

7. Virtual and augmented reality

Augmented reality adds digital elements to the real world. Virtual reality, on the other hand, creates a completely new world in which it puts the user. A perfect example of the use of this technology on a web page is the website of Spatial, which offers, among other things, virtual conference rooms. A great idea during times of pandemic and remote work.

Source: Spatial.io

This technology is also more and more frequently used in tourism and the real estate industry. Virtual walks are becoming increasingly common, and thanks to the WebAR (web-based augmented reality) technology, which allows you to share AR experiences on the Internet without using an additional application, such a reality may be implemented on your website.

Web development trends in Drupal

The biggest event in the context of this content management system will be the release of Drupal 10 which is planned for June 2022. In the upcoming version, we can expect compatibility with the newer Symfony components (Drupal has been based on this framework since version 8), which will make the created websites more secure and modern. Their appearance, on the other hand, will be improved by the front-end Olivero theme which will become the default Drupal theme, replacing the current Bartik. The default administration theme will also be changed – Claro will replace Seven.

Source: Drupal.org

The creators of Drupal have announced that the new version will also introduce:

  • an improved Layout Builder – the module that helps with creating web page templates using a user interface,
  • and support for CKEditor 5 (a visual HMTL editor).

While dealing with Drupal development on a daily basis, we predict the further development of this CMS towards using it for headless solutions. In systems of this type, Drupal acts as a back-end content repository, while the front-end uses other technologies, and the layers communicate with each other through API. What will eventually appear in the context of headless and Drupal in general? We’ll find out in the coming months.

Vape UK 50/50 Raspberry


Vape UK 50/50 Raspberry presents the rich floral notes of raspberry, perfect for vapers seeking the simple pleasures in life.
Explore Vape UK’s very own e-liquid range that’s jam-packed in flavour and compatible with your vape kit, including our Nic Salt series.


  • Flavours: Raspberry
  • Nicotine Type: Freebase
  • Bottle Size: 10ml
  • Nicotine Strength: 3mg, 6mg, 12mg, and 18mg
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50
  • Vaping Style: MTL
  • Easy Fill Nozzle
  • Childproof Cap

Vape UK is committed to manufacturing e-liquids with exquisite, natural flavours to help you make that transition from cigarettes to vaping. If you’re a heavy smoker, our 50/50 Freebase is perfect for offering that similar experience to traditional cigarettes with multiple flavour choices such as tobacco, fruity, menthol and dessert.

Freebase nicotine is the purest form of nicotine, offering a stronger and immediate throat hit similar to how cigarettes deliver nicotine. In contrast, nicotine salts are naturally occurring and generally provide a familiar satisfaction while being enjoyed for their smoother throat hit.

At Vape UK, we believe it is essential to offer affordable e-liquids using the finest natural ingredients through high-calibre manufacturing. Our e-liquids are manufactured and sourced in a state-of-the-art facility right here on England’s South Coast.

Since it’s blended in a 50/50 VG/PG ratio, Vape UK’s Nic Salt e-liquids are best used with Vape Starter Kits (Mouth to Lung) and Pod Vape Kits.

Are you new and trying out vaping for the first time? You should check out our beginners’ guide, where we simplify vaping to its fundamentals and explain the benefits of switching to your first vape kit.

Good Quality Soft Custom Polyester Fabric Fashion Carpet Fleece

Basic Info.

Model NO.


Age Group


Chemical Fibre Blanket

Knitting Method
Machine Weaved

Printing Pattern

Home, Travel, Airplane, Picnic, Hospital, Hotel

Good Color Fastness, Soft Handle, Smooth

Soft and Skin Friendly,Safe Material,Odorless

Transport Package
1PC Per OPP Bag

Custom size is acceptalbe



HS Code

Production Capacity
500000PCS Per Month

Product Description

We have our own printing department and sewing department. With mature management ability, advanced devices, a strong management team, we become outstanding supplier in the field of Banner and Blanket. This makes us have the ability to offer you competitive prices with fast delivery. 

Product Description

Item Name Good Quality Soft Custom Polyester Fabric Fashion Carpet Fleece Blanket Material 250gsm / 300gsm polyester fleece fabric 
260gsm / 300gsm / 320gsm / 350 gsm flanner fabric Color Custom color Size custom size Logo Custom logo Print Method Digital print / Screen Print MOQ 50 pcs Samples Time  3-4 days for custom sample direct send-out for stock sample Payment Item Wester Union, PayPal, TT Artwork Format Ai. Jpg. Pdf. Eps Packing Details 1pc/polybag and carton

Product Details

Custom Process

Tep 1: Provide us with your product design about material, color, quantity and logo pictures.

Tep 2: We customize samples for you and send them to you for quality inspection.

Our Service

1.Make mass production accurately and completely in compliance with the document that the client provides;

2.Aim to offer 100% quality products;

3.Keep smooth delivery on time;

4.OEM, ODM or customized orders are available;

5.Final price will be depended on quantity, fabrication, size, design and workmanship. After getting your detailed requirements inquiry, our best offer will be sent within 1 day.

Q: What are your main products, besides? 

A: All kinds of flags (such as custom flag, beach flag, bunting flag, golf flag, advertising flag, etc); 

All kinds of banners (such as fabric banner, mesh banner, pop up banner, ceiling hanging banner, custom banner, etc); 

All kinds of blankets(such as baby blanket, hotel blanket, woollen blanket, bath blanket, etc) and all kinds of bandana;

All kinds of gifts(such as hats,T-shirts,bags,scarf)

Q: What kind of printers do you have to make? 

A: We have digital printing printers and dye sublimation machines. 

Q: Can you send me a price catalogue of? 

A: Most of our products are customized, different customers have different requirements. Just tell us what you need, and we’ll give the most suitable solution for you. 

Q: Can I get a sample before bulk production of? 

A: Certainly, we will make a pre-production sample for you to check before mass production. 

About us

Factory was founded on 2009, and workshop equipped with all kinds of professional equipments. The output of every month is high to 180,000 pcs.

Our products include flags, blankets, T-shirts, scarves, hoodies, bandana, cap, keychain, lanyard, beach towel,  umbrella, pin, mug and etc.

Our main market is Western Europe, North America, Asia, Oceania, etc.

As for China recent situation, it’s safe to receive a letter or a package from China, World Health Organization has declared. So take it easy to contact us through email or online and talk more about your custom orders.


If you are interested in our products and know more details, pls feel free to contact us as below.