The life of clinician is never dull. Situations that might seem rare happen almost daily, and it’s nearly impossible to anticipate what may happen next. Still, the right preparation can go a long way. In many industries, there are methods to deal with such risky and costly situations.
One simulation type that’s growing in popularity is the digital twin, which is used to simulate complex real-world processes in a digital environment. It’s an innovative technology that’s being used by an increasing number of companies like IBM, Boeing, and Tesla.
It is not surprising that the global digital twin market is on the surge – it’s expected to increase by almost 40% annually by 2025. As such, digital twins have found their place in many industries, most notably in healthcare. They allow hospitals to fine-tune their operations and adapt the approach to patients.
What are digital twins, exactly?
Digital Twins are virtual equivalents of physical objects and processes. Besides the visual representation, these digital equivalents also include mathematical models and sensor data that helps provide updates in real time. However, a digital twin is only as good as the model and data used to create it.
Why do companies utilize digital twin technology? When implemented correctly, it allows users to manipulate a digital entity and learn something, without affecting anything in the physical space. More or less, digital twins cut the shortcomings of more traditional experiments: Risks are marginal, costs are low, and the required time window is short, as you can get feedback instantly.
Another advantage digital twins provide is an insight into the process – they can detect issues even before they arise. By coupling the digital twin with machine learning or artificial intelligence algorithms, users are able to track even the tiniest of processes that may otherwise remain hidden to the human eye.
A digital twin to fix a physical space
Healthcare is one of many industries where digital twins can easily and effectively be applied. Mater Private Hospital in Dublin was faced with snowballing patient numbers, increasing complexity, and out-of-date equipment. Such conditions resulted in overworked staff, unhappy patients, and, by relation, unhappy management. It was evident that changes were long overdue, and more specifically, that the radiology department needed a redesign.
However, there are endless possibilities when redesigning something. As a process, optimization is complex – there are many variables, boundaries, and objectives. Thus, the management decided to use digital twin technology to solve the problem. A virtual copy of the radiology department allowed the engineers to change procedures and scenarios, without disrupting daily operations.
The result? Tests that used to take months were completed in a matter of hours. Any unfavorable or unwanted changes could be easily reversed. After evaluating the effects of various scenarios, the most efficient one was selected.
“It was amazing watching our 2D plans transform into 3D, then 4D, reality. Thanks to our digital twin, we now have the best possible configuration for our department,” said Paddy Gilligan, Chief Physicist & Registered Radiation Protection Advisor at MPH.
The benefits were apparent – the hospital reported shorter wait times (by 25 minutes) and increased equipment use. MRI capacity alone rose by 32%, while staffing costs fell by over $10,000 annually, due to a lower number of overtime hours.
Further opportunities – “my digital twin”
Besides layout optimization, digital twins help health professionals in other ways. Their use in the preparation of surgical procedures is particularly helpful, both for doctors and patients. Digital twins enable a surgeon to plan the procedure and find the ideal path to success, even mitigating the need for surgery, in some cases. For cardiologist Benjamin Medder, digital twin technology gave him the opportunity to place a pacemaker in a digital heart, allowing him to run simulations of the effectiveness of the potential procedure before it happens.
To better illustrate the usefulness of digital twins, here is an unsettling example: Two-thirds of endovascular repairs were found to be out of place. However, that leaves plenty of opportunity for optimization. An experimental software was developed, allowing for quick evaluation of the implant position. By varying its position, the surgeon can maximize the surgery’s effectiveness, and subsequently, the patient’s prognosis. Preliminary clinical trials have shown that the method has eliminated the need for repeated surgery.
Besides helping veteran surgeons, digital twins are also very tempting to surgical residents. Unlike traditional trainings that may take place using real, physical examples, digital twins allow for procedures to be repeated using different scenarios every time.
Digital twins in manufacturing
Outside of the healthcare industry, there are other industries that are already being improved by digital twins. Manufacturing, for instance, uses the technology in plenty of ways, from current and future product design to actual production process improvements. With the rise of theInternet of Things and an influx of digitally enabled smart technologies, the opportunity for digital twins has only grown.
For manufacturers with multiple factories in different locations, a digital twin can serve to help optimize process lines, individual pieces of equipment, and more, all without actually changing daily operations.
“It is a window to understanding where issues lie, where improvements can be made, and how to better optimize production,” says Chris Parsons, VP of Global Marketing at Critical Manufacturing.
There are other applications for product designers and engineers, as well. Digital twins present a new opportunity for designers and engineers to incorporate sensors and assets that can provide real-time data. With that data, they can then test and experiment with product changes to provide improvements, even while out in the field. This type of immediate customer engagement and feedback is something that has been a struggle in the past.
Cautious optimism for digital twins
Digital twin technology does have shortcomings that should be addressed. Countless examples of data breaches should make early adopters a bit cautious, as the problems caused by a leak of a digital twin body could be tremendous.
That said, digital twin technology is making an impact on industries globally, and it seems that the future is bright.
Welcome to our blog, where we take an in-depth look at the world of drywall fasteners and the exceptional products Tianjin Giant Star Hardware Products Co., Ltd. has to offer. With more than 20 years of experience in the industry,Giant Star is a well-known manufacturer in the heartland of North China, a hardware fastener base in Tianjin, China. In this article, we explore the superior performance of drywall screws and shed light on the company’s commitment to quality and innovation.
Uncover the essence of Tianjin drywall screws:
Drywall screws play a vital role in the construction industry, ensuring the stability and longevity of structures. As a market leader, Tianjin Giant Star Hardware Products Co., Ltd. offers a wide range of top-notch drywall screws, manufactured with the highest precision to international quality standards.
Unparalleled Strength and Durability:
Tianjin drywall screws are engineered for unrivaled strength and durability, making them ideal for professional contractors, builders, and DIY enthusiasts alike. Screws undergo rigorous testing procedures to ensure their ability to withstand heavy loads and corrosion resistance, thus guaranteeing longevity and reliability in various construction projects.
Precision Engineering Design:
Tianjin drywall screws are unique in their precision design.Giant Star Hardware Products Co., Ltd. has state-of-the-art production facilities and advanced machinery to ensure that every screw is carefully crafted to meet specific industry requirements. Every aspect of the screw, from the thread pattern to the sharpness of the tip, is engineered to optimize performance and ease of installation.
Excellent quality control measures:
At Great Star, uncompromising quality is the most important factor in every manufacturing process. The company adopts a comprehensive quality control system and follows strict standards throughout the production process. This includes rigorous material selection, advanced testing methods and constant monitoring to ensure only the best drywall screws reach the market. This dedication to quality has earned Tianjin Giant Star Hardware Products Co., Ltd. a solid reputation as a trusted supplier in the industry.
An unwavering commitment to innovation:
Innovation drives success in any industry, and Tianjin Giant Star Hardware Products Co., Ltd. knows this well. The company invests heavily in research and development to stay at the forefront of technological advancement. By utilizing the latest manufacturing techniques and materials, Tianjin Drywall Screws consistently deliver improved performance, ease of use, and ultimately increased customer satisfaction.
Excellent export:
With years of international export experience,Tianjin Great Star Hardware Products Co., Ltd. has successfully become a global player in the drywall screws market. The company’s commitment to timely delivery, cost-effectiveness, and exceptional customer service has earned the trust of countless customers around the world. From North America to Europe and beyond, Tianjin drywall screws are highly sought after for their quality and reliability.
In conclusion:
Tianjin Giant Star Hardware Products Co., Ltd. has carved out a niche in the highly competitive drywall screw market with its unwavering dedication to producing quality products. Their commitment to excellence, combined with years of experience and innovation, ensures that their Tianjin Drywall Screws meet and exceed industry expectations. Whether you’re an industry professional or an enthusiastic DIYer, choosing Giant Star’s drywall screws can ensure a strong, reliable solution to your building needs.
現今,許多學者與市場觀察家都在探究共享經濟模式背後成功與否的因素。例如,根據哈佛商業評論(Harvard Business Review)最近發表的一篇文章指出,在共享經濟中建立信任至關重要;另一項由斯坦福大學(Stanford University)提供的資料分析則揭示了平台規模對效率影響之深遠。儘管如此,在這些亮眼成果背後,仍然存在諸多問題需要解決。
Talous nousee voimakkaasti esille jokapäiväisessä uutisoinnissa. Ja jokapäiväisissä kahvipöytäkeskusteluissa taas päivitellään, miksi kaikkea mitataan rahassa. Mihin ovat kadonneet muut arvostuksen mittarit?
Taloudesta ja omistamisesta puhutaan myös kevään Filosofiakahviloissa. Kevään ensimmäisenä puhujana kahville saapui dosentti, tutkija Teppo Eskelinen Itä-Suomen yliopistosta, joka pohti yksityis- ja yhteisomaisuutta filosofisesta ja globaalipoliittisesta näkökulmasta.
– Taloudesta puhutaan aivan liikaa. On totta, että talous ja taloudellinen oikeuttaminen hallitsevat meidän elämäämme, Eskelinen toteaa.
Money makes the world go round, raha pyörittää maailmaa, todetaan. Asioita arvotetaan tässä maailmassa voimakkaasti kustannusten ja taloudellisen tuottavuuden näkökulmasta.
– Jos sanotaan, että jokin asia on taloudellisesti tuottava, se on tässä maailmassa riittävä argumentti. Sen jälkeen ei tarvitse enää sanoa mitään. Sen sijaan jos sanotaan, että jokin asia lisää ihmisten sivistystä ja hyvinvointia, on joku kysymässä miksi se on hyvä asia.
Maailman ongelmia on pyritty pitkälti poistamaan siirtämällä asioita ja alueita yhteisestä omistuksesta yksityiseen omistukseen. Tämän on katsottu selkeyttävän käyttöoikeuksia ja vastuita sekä näin ohjaavan ihmisiä ja alueita tuottavampaan toimintaan – minkä on katsottu olevan hyväksi yhteiskunnallisesta näkökulmasta.
– Taloudellista tehokkuutta ei ole, jos asiaa ei saateta sellaisille mittareille tai kielelle, jotka taloustiede tunnistaa. Onko kyse siis vain taloustieteen sisäisestä päättelystä?
Yhteisomistajuus nostaa kuitenkin päätään myös ekologisista syistä. Ei ole järkevää, että kaikilla on oma pesukone, kun taloyhtiön kellarissa voi hyrrätä paljon parempi kone, halvemmalla. Toisaalta ilman kunnollista vastuunjakoa siihen liittyy myös ongelmia.
– Tiedetään myös, että yhteisomistus voi olla kaikkein tehottominta, koska on mahdollista, että yhdessä omistettu pesukone jää hunningolle ja kaikki ostavat lopulta oman koneensa.
Myös yritysmaailmassa ollaan menossa jossain määrin suuntaan, jossa omistamisesta pyritään eroon. Kiinteistöt realisoidaan, laitteiden sijaan ostetaan laitteiden käyttötunteja ja niin edelleen. Omistamista ei nähdä enää tärkeänä välineenä itse tuotannon kannalta.
Miten omistuksen oikeutus on siten alunpitäen rakentunut, kuinka voimme väittää jotain omaksemme?
Kuuntele Eskelisen Filofofiakahvilassa pitämä alustus kokonaisuudessaan:
Alustus on on taltioitu Filosofiakahvilassa Kuopiossa 27.1.2015.
Filosofiakahviloissa tavalliset ihmiset kokoontuvat yhteen keskustelemaan heitä koskettavista kysymyksistä. Tavoitteena on elävyys, toisten kohtaaminen kasvokkain, eri-ikäisten ja eri elämänpiireistä tulevien ihmisten näkeminen ja kuunteleminen sekä uusien näköalojen avaaminen yhdessä.
Kantti taltioi Filosofiakahvilan alustuksia yhteistyössä Snellman-kesäyliopiston kanssa.
Shay Mitchell just started a new getting-ready series on IGTV, and for her inaugural video, she shared how she gets glam on an average day when she's not filming or being photographed. It's glowy, bronzy, and basically just enhances all of her naturally gorgeous features. Moreover, it's fast and a great go-to look for anyone strapped for time in the mornings.
The tutorial begins with the 32-year-old actor introducing the new series and how she prepped her skin. "I have on some sunscreen and eye cream, and I used a lip exfoliator, too," she says. "I've 'set the base,' as I call it."
Shen then jumps right into the makeup and reveals that she likes to use concealer and contour in lieu of foundation because it's quicker. Her concealer of choice? Beautyblender's Bounce Airbrush Liquid Whip Concealer, which she applies above her mouth, under her eyes, and on her chin using a damp Beautyblender.
After concealer is complete, Mitchell takes the It Cosmetics All Over Powder Brush and dips into her favorite contour product: Tom Ford’s Shade and Illuminate Palette. She applies the contour color from the palette to the edges of her face in brisk circular motions, ensuring everything is blended seamlessly. She also adds some of the contour shade down her nose and in the creases of her eyes to bring everything together.
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Post-contour, she sweeps a peachy pink cream blush (also by Tom Ford) on the tops of her cheeks — as well as across her nose and forehead, too — to mimic a natural, just-back-from-a-workout-like flush. She follows this with a powder bronzer — the Best of Beauty-winning Benefit Hoola Bronzer, to be specific — and applies it on top of where she contoured.
To set her concealer, she applies a light dusting of Laura Mercier's Translucent Setting Powder underneath her eyes to ensure it doesn't crease. Then she applies the same Hoolah bronzer to her lids and lower lash line.
Then it's time for brows. For this, Mitchell uses Kelly Baker's Brow Defining Pencil in medium to lightly fill in any sparse areas. "I’m honestly not trying to make them look like twins — just related," she jokes. She then sets her brows using some setting mist on a spooly brush, which is pretty brilliant if you ask us. "It really gives a laminated effect without actually lamenting them," she explains.
After her arches are set, she curls her lashes for a wide-eyed effect and then adds a few coats of Buxom's Lash Volumizing Mascara. And on her lips, she uses the sold-out Kylie Cosmetics Kendall Sister Sister Lip Liner followed by Buxom's Full-On Plumping Lip Cream Gloss in the shade Hot Totty.
Lastly, Mitchell applies a touch more bronzer in a slightly darker shade to add depth to the face and then finishes off with some highlighter applied to the high points of her face.
To see the actor's application process in action — and the finished look, of course — tune in to the full tutorial above. Here's hoping she shares another one of her favorite beauty looks again soon.
All products featured on Allure are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Now read more about Shay Mitchell:
Shay Mitchell Is Obsessed With a $490 Facial Moisturizer — Here's Why
Shay Mitchell Got IPL Treatment for Her Melasma and Documented It All
Shay Mitchell's Béis Just Launched Affordable Beauty Accessories at Ulta
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Should I Use a Local or Nationwide Heavy Equipment Transport Company?
William Thomas / January 2021
It depends on whether you need local or long distance transport. A local company may be best for a quick haul, but not always. A nationwide hauling company may have more options for your heavy equipment transport, especially for state to state shipping.
Now that we’ve given the answer regarding our stance on “shop local” versus “go big,” we’ll explain why we believe it’s preferable to hire a nationwide heavy equipment transport service rather than a local company when you need to ship your equipment out of state or across the country.
“Local equipment transporters may only be available to help you during the certain hours because they have fewer personnel.“
Cost Saving For Heavy Equipment Transport
Local hauling companies may be less expensive for equipment shipping, however this may only be the case for really local items. A big nationwide company, on the other hand, has economies of scale. A nationwide company offers more:
• Drivers.
• Trucks/trailers for transport.
• Larger trucks and trailers to transport more equipment, allowing them to charge less for equipment while maintaining a profit.
• Routes, allowing them to optimize the cost-effectiveness of a shipment’s journey. The business will use less fuel, spend less time stuck in traffic, and require fewer expensive diversions, and as a result, will charge you a relatively lesser amount.
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Customer Support For Heavy Machinery Hauling
Local equipment transporters may only be available to help you during the certain hours because they have fewer personnel. On the other hand, a countrywide service frequently has customer support agents available around-the-clock, seven days a week. This implies that someone will be available to assist you with shipping updates, information, and even pricing quotations if you have a problem at 2 a.m. on a Sunday morning.
On Time Pick Up and Delivery for Oversize Loads
The more trucks and drivers a transport firm has, the quicker it will pick up equipment and the quicker the equipment will arrive at its destination.
Nationwide Coverage Means More Drop-off and Pick-up Locations
In fact, you may arrange with several nationwide transport firms to pick up your equipment from your residence. This is typically done at an additional cost.
Nationwide Hauling Companies are Able to Transport Classic, Antique Cars and Other Types of Vehicles.
Can a small local hauling company carry motorbikes or other cars, such as a classic or luxury/high-end car? A nationwide company will be able to transport your vehicle for a cheaper price than a local company, which may need to rent a particular trailer and charge you more for the service.
Weight Restrictions and When Heavy Transport is Considered Oversized
The axle significantly determines weight restrictions. Oversized loads may not exceed the overall weight limit, however they can exceed the limit per axle. Remember that if your heavy haul trucking company employs flatbed drivers, it is their responsibility to obtain the necessary permits.
Final Thoughts
As indicated in the blog, choosing a nationwide heavy equipment transport company offers some advantages that you may not enjoy when you use a local transport company. Choosing a heavy haul trucking firm needs careful assessment of the company’s technical knowledge and the appropriate equipment to handle all sorts of heavy haul services, including hazardous and nonhazardous cargo transportation.
The 170M6497,from Bussmann / Eaton,is Specialty Fuses.what we offer have competitive price in the global market,which are in original and new parts.If you would like to know more about the products or apply a lower price, please contact us through the “online chat” or send a quote to us!
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Founded: 1897 When: Held annually in April, usually on Patriots’ Day, the third Monday in April History and Origin: The Boston Marathon is the oldest annual marathon in the world, inspired by the first modern Olympic marathon held in Athens, Greece in 1896. Sponsored by the Boston Athletic Association (BAA), the inaugural event featured 15 runners. The Boston Marathon is known for its high threshold of qualification, where participants must meet specific time standards. The course’s famous “Heartbreak Hill” is a major challenge and one of the race’s icons. Race day in April each year has also become an important festival in the city of Boston.
2. New York City Marathon
Founded: 1970 When: Held every year on the first Sunday of November History and Origin: The New York City Marathon was initiated by Fred Lebow and the New York Road Runners, with only 127 participants and a route limited to Central Park. As its influence grew, the race was expanded to cover the five boroughs of New York City in 1976, making it one of the largest marathons in the world. The race attracts not only elite runners, but also a large number of charity runners and beginners, and the race attracts more than 50,000 participants each year. The New York City Marathon famously starts at the Verrazano Bridge on Staten Island and finishes in Manhattan’s Central Park.
3. London Marathon
Founded: 1981 When: Held annually in April, usually on the last Sunday in April History: The London Marathon was initiated by British Olympians Chris Brasher and John Disley, who were originally inspired by their participation in the New York City Marathon. They wanted to create an event that would combine elite runners and mass participation with charity at its core. The first London Marathon saw 7,747 runners take part and today there are over 40,000 entries each year. The London Marathon passes many well-known landmarks including Tower Bridge, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace. The race is known for its flat, fast course and culture of charity fundraising.
4. Berlin Marathon
Founded: 1974 When: Every year in September, usually on the last Sunday of September History: Originally started by Horst Milde, the Berlin Marathon started with only 286 runners on a course through the woods of Berlin. As the race grew, it became the ideal place for elite runners from around the world to break records, and in 1990, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the race passed through the Brandenburg Gate for the first time, symbolizing the reunification of Germany. Known for its flat course, the Berlin Marathon has seen a number of world records broken, including the most recent men’s marathon record. 5.
5. Chicago Marathon
Founded: 1977 When: Every year, it is held on the second Sunday of October History: Organized by Jackie Farina, the Chicago Marathon was originally called the “Mayor Daley Marathon,” named after then-Mayor Richard Daley. More than 4,200 runners participated in the inaugural race. As the Chicago Marathon has grown rapidly, it has become one of the most popular city marathons in the world. The flat course, mild climate and efficient organization make it an ideal place for runners seeking personal bests.
6. Tokyo Marathon
Founded: 2007 When: Held in March every year History and Origin: The Tokyo Marathon is the youngest of the six major marathons in the world. It was formed by merging the Tokyo International Marathon and the Tokyo Citizen’s Marathon to promote marathon culture in Japan and Asia. The first event attracted over 30,000 runners and despite its short history, the Tokyo Marathon quickly became one of the most important running events in Asia. The race passes through the city’s major landmarks, including Tokyo Tower and the Imperial Palace, and finishes at Tokyo Station.
7. Comrades Marathon
Founded: 1921 When: Every year at the end of May or the beginning of June History and Origin: The Comrades Marathon was started by South African veteran Vic Clapham in honor of soldiers who died in World War I. The first race was run by 34 runners. The inaugural race had 34 runners and the route was approximately 90 kilometers long, connecting Petermaritzburg and Durban. It is a challenging ultra-distance race, divided into an ‘uphill year’ and a ‘downhill year’, with different start and finish points between Durban and Petermaritzburg. The Conrad Trail Race is not only a test of stamina, but also symbolizes resilience and solidarity, attracting ultra-distance runners from all over the world.
8. Marathon des Sables
Founded: 1986 When: Every April in the Sahara Desert in Morocco History and origin: The Sahara Desert Marathon was founded by Frenchman Patrick Bauer, who completed a solo expedition across the Sahara Desert in 1984 and was inspired to organize the event. Considered to be the toughest running event in the world, the 250-kilometer race requires participants to complete six days of self-sufficiency in an extreme desert environment. Runners are required to carry all their food, equipment and face the scorching desert climate, rolling terrain and intense sun exposure.
9. Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc
Founded: 2003 When: Held in late August or early September every year History: Founded by Michel and Catherine Poletti, the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc (UTMB) is a 170-kilometer race around Europe’s highest mountain, Mont Blanc, across France, Italy and Switzerland. Rapidly rising to become one of the benchmarks of trail running in the world, the UTMB is not only a running event, but is also regarded as an annual event for trail runners, who need to have great endurance and experience in trail running.
10. Paris Marathon
Founded: 1976 When: Every year in April, usually on the first Sunday of April History and origins: The history of the Paris Marathon dates back to the early 1900s, but the modern version was officially founded in 1976, with nearly 13,000 runners taking part in the first edition. The race’s route passes through famous Parisian sites, including the Champs Elysees, the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, making it a unique way for runners to enjoy the sights of Paris. Today, the Paris Marathon is one of the most important city marathons in Europe, attracting tens of thousands of runners each year. These events not only showcase the culture and history of the running sport, but have also become a goal pursued by runners and elite runners around the world.
What do you need to prepare for these sports?
Participating in these prestigious marathons and cross-country races requires not only good physical fitness, but also sound preparation and strategy. For example:
1. Physical Training
Long-Distance Running: Incorporate progressively longer runs to build stamina and endurance.
Hill Workouts: For events like the Boston Marathon (Heartbreak Hill) and Comrades Marathon (uphill and downhill years), hill training is essential.
Speed Work: Speed drills and tempo runs are crucial for marathons like Berlin and Chicago, known for their fast and flat courses.
2. Strength Training
Include strength workouts to improve muscle endurance, which helps during long distances, especially for races like the Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc.
3. Nutrition and Hydration
Experiment with nutrition strategies during training, focusing on energy gels, snacks, and electrolyte balance to avoid fatigue.
For multi-day events like the Marathon des Sables, practice carrying food and supplies.
4. Gear
Invest in high-quality running shoes suited for your race type (e.g., road vs. trail running).
Essential gear for ultra races includes running headphhone, hydration packs, headlamps, and extra layers for extreme weather conditions.
5. Mental Preparation
Races like the Comrades Marathon and Marathon des Sables require significant mental strength. Incorporate visualization and mindfulness techniques into your routine.
6. Race-Specific Considerations
Climate: Prepare for the hot desert climate of the Marathon des Sables, the humid weather of Tokyo Marathon, or the potentially cold weather in New York or London.
Course Knowledge: Study the course layout (e.g., hilly or flat) and train accordingly.
By focusing on these areas, runners can be well prepared for the physical and mental demands of these prestigious marathons. At the same time, I want runners to enjoy every moment of effort and challenge as they chase the finish line.