How to Choose Auto Parts Manufacturers

Feb 23/23

How to Choose Auto Parts Manufacturers


The American automotive industry is valued at over $100 billion as of 2022.

Cars benefit both businesses and individuals, and there’s no sign that their demand will decline. As the industry continues to grow, car companies must ensure they work with the best auto parts manufacturers to keep their customers happy.

Mayco International is a leading auto industry manufacturer that can provide several resources to help companies accomplish this, but where do you start?

In this guide, we’ll help you get great results by outlining the main things to consider. Read on to learn how to choose auto parts manufacturers.

Compare Rates

One of the most important things to do is compare the rates of various manufacturers. Regardless of the parts you’re looking for, find out what several manufacturers charge for different services, like logistics and supply.

Doing so will give you a better understanding of the market, and you’ll know whether a manufacturer charges too much. Visiting a manufacturer’s website is the quickest way to learn about their rates, though you can also contact them.

Read Reviews

You should also read reviews before choosing a quality parts manufacturer. This will let you learn about the experiences others have had with them.

You can visit various business review websites to gather information about a manufacturer that seems appealing. If a manufacturer has overwhelmingly positive reviews, you’ll likely have a good experience with them.

Consider Location

While you can find an auto industry manufacturer that ships anywhere, it’s best to find one near you. The closer a manufacturer is, the quicker you’ll receive your products.

Working with a nearby manufacturer will also make it easier to examine parts. Whether you want to mass produce a product or develop a prototype, you can physically monitor progress at all stages.

Keep in mind that you’ll have more options if the location isn’t one of your priorities. However, it may take more time to get the exact parts you want for your vehicles.

Prioritize User Experience

The last thing to do when choosing an auto parts manufacturer is prioritize user experience. This will help you determine whether a manufacturer cares about their clients.

When visiting a manufacturer’s website, it should provide all the information you need and be easy to navigate. If the site isn’t, you may need to look elsewhere. Poor website design can prevent you from accessing several things, and it may indicate a lack of experience.

Work with the Best Auto Parts Manufacturers Today

Now that you know how to choose auto parts manufacturers, it’s time to start working with the best.

Here at Mayco International, we provide several manufacturing services that can take your business to new heights. No matter how long you’ve been in the auto industry, we can help you satisfy customers, increase cash flow, and deliver high-quality products.

Get started by contacting us to learn more about our various services and philosophy.

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How Modern Automotive Technology Is Driving Change – Mayco Inter

Click:Courier bag making machine

Aug 17/23

How Modern Automotive Technology Is Driving Change

The vehicular software and electronics market looks set to expand at around 5x the rate of the general vehicle market. This indicates a drastic rethinking of how modern automotive technology will expand in the future.

Knowing electronics will be at the heart of the industry moving forward, what advances can you expect to see and what pivots should you look out for?

This article will point out five of the major areas where you can expect modern technology to make major shifts in the industry. With these in mind, you should have the ability to plan for anything the vehicle world throws at you in the next decade.

Autonomous Driving

Also known as self-driving vehicles, these cars have received a great deal of promotion from both their upsides and downsides. The intent of this software is to remove the need for human control of a vehicle and to create safer driving experiences for all people.

The recurrent issue at present is the technology’s safety and bad PR from collisions, and as such work continues on this area of development.

The Rise of AI-Driven Vehicle UX

The point of this car design advancement is to create a better interaction between drivers and their cars. While the automobile industry has taken a little longer than the software industry to pick up on the concept of UX, we now see it thriving. UX focuses on developing easy-to-use that offer a unique experience keyed to each person.

Over time, AI should adjust to and learn from driver preferences and behaviors, anticipating how it should act. This may be anything, such as route suggestions or offering specific climate control settings based on user patterns.

Smart Technology

This is a wide range of features that allow vehicles to interact with the user via the “Internet of Things”. While smart vehicles already exist, more advancements continue to occur, giving users more options. Many use smart technology to tune their vehicle experience, using any diagnostics and outputs to hone their habits.

3D Printing and Vehicle Manufacturing

Over the past several years, 3D printing has become a common sight in the automotive manufacturing space. Not only is it much faster at creating new parts, but it also has several other benefits related to boosting manufacturing potential. Examples include the:

  • Rapid prototyping of new automotive design ideas
  • Customization of auto bodies and engine parts
  • Use of much lighter materials than before
  • Reduction in energy consumption during production
  • Closer collaboration between specific clients and manufacturers

Leaders in Modern Automotive Technology

By understanding the above areas of modern automotive technology, you should know what to expect when it comes to future changes. Still, if you are in the industry, it would be good to have your finger on the pulse by linking with a competent manufacturer.

We are an automotive supplier at the forefront of technology in the Michigan area. By working with us, you can ensure you have everything you need, no matter how the industry pivots. So, contact us today to engage with us and work with us moving forward.

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Guide to CNC Machining Outsourcing: Benefits, Challenges, and Su

  • October 25, 2024

Most establishments, especially in the manufacturing industry, are looking for ways to lower operating costs and maximize their available capital. Processes like CNC (Computer Numerical Control) help improve efficiency, effectiveness, and precision during production procedures. This advanced approach makes the CNC machining process more automatic than manual.

As a globally accepted strategy, CNC machining outsourcing helps many businesses in various industries revolutionize production procedures and reduce expenditures. This article explains the benefits of outsourcing CNC machining, its challenges, and tips for better success.


Understanding CNC Machining Outsourcing

Benefits of Outsourcing CNC Machining

What Challenges Faced in CNC Machining Outsourcing?

How to Choose the Right Partner for Outsourced CNC Machining Services?

Experience One-stop Services: Outsource Your CNC Projects to WayKen


Understanding CNC Machining Outsourcing

The best way to explain this concept is to break it into individual components. Outsourcing refers to the transfer of management and execution of a business function to a third-party service provider.

Thus, CNC machining outsourcing is the practice of collaborating with an external CNC company to execute the CNC machining phase for better efficiency. By outsourcing this task, a company ensures a significant reduction in CNC machining costs and improves efficiency in producing CNC parts. Contracting out CNC manufacturing services to an outside company is a cost-efficient move to produce components with improved tolerances and enhanced capabilities.

In summary, outsourcing CNC machining gets you the job done in a short time without investing massive funds in setting up the machinery. It saves cost, time, and improves efficiency, making it one of the best business moves in contemporary manufacturing of components with advanced capacities. Although it has some downsides, the benefits are numerous, making the practice worthwhile.

Benefits of Outsourcing CNC Machining

Manufacturing businesses are on the positive receiving end of CNC machining outsourcing. Whether it’s high or low-volume CNC machining, the concept is both a time and cost-saver for all production enterprises. Here are the benefits of outsourcing CNC machining:

Better Precision

One of the most important benefits of CNC machining outsourcing is the improved precision of the machined parts. Due to their full concentration on CNC machining, these shops, which offer the service, have a higher quality output than an integrated company using traditional methods.

In, The CNC machines used are automated with pre-programmed software for machining, providing a better level of accuracy than manual ones. Outsourcing your CNC machining guarantees that your parts or components fabricated are of the high precision and accuracy levels. Also, this result is achieved in less time than when done within an integrated establishment, saving more production costs.

Adaptability and Flexibility

One good thing about outsourcing your CNC machining is that it helps you keep pace with market demands. It allows you to adjust the size of your order with the machining company depending on market demands. This gives your company the unmatched flexibility needed for the dynamics of the production market.

You can keep up with the ever-changing market demand by maintaining your production speed with the unwavering adaptability that comes with your outsourced CNC machining needs. Consequently, working with an external firm that can handle the CNC machining process allows you to change the manufacturing scale easily.

Outsourcing gives your company the flexibility needed to be competitive, whether you need to ramp up production during high-demand seasons or pull back during slower ones.

Excellent Quality Control

A key factor that aids in the efficiency of CNC fabrication is top-notch quality control. Excellent quality control is crucial for every production process, especially in a market as dynamic as manufacturing. Thanks to CNC machining, every step of the production process can be programmed, guaranteeing superb quality control.

At the same time, outsourcing makes your task execution specific, which improves the quality of the output and helps sustain top-notch quality. Customers are more confident in your products when you contract out your CNC machining needs to a service provider with machines that maintain uniform quality across all items.

Cost Efficiency

In the corporate sector, cost control is a major concern. By paying service providers to use their CNC machinery and equipment to create desired items rather than purchasing pricey machinery, CNC machining outsourcing helps you save money. It makes it possible to allocate resources efficiently to other business endeavors and lessens the strain of larger upfront costs.

Experienced Specialists

Outsourcing your CNC machining needs offers numerous benefits, one of which is access to a pool of specialized knowledge. When you outsource, as a business owner, you have access to a vast pool of specialists skilled in all facets of CNC machining. These machinists have extensive experience with advanced CNC technology and a strong background in the business. Thus, you can obtain premium components without spending money on specialist tools or expertise.

What Challenges Faced in CNC Machining Outsourcing?

Outsourcing CNC machining may provide numerous advantages, but it comes with its own downsides. From losing partial control over the process to increased logistics and shipping costs, here are the challenges of CNC machining outsourcing:

Quality and Consistency Considerations

When you outsource a task, you may have less control over the quality of the output. While this can be mitigated by choosing a reliable CNC shop with comprehensive machining capabilities, it can be a worrisome challenge when considering outsourcing.

Variations in quality as well as consistency in getting top-notch output may hamper market flow and customer reviews. This, however, can be solved by establishing a watertight agreement with CNC expert partners for an assurance of quality and consistency.

Little Control Over Output

Every manufacturing company loves to have a certain level of control over their products, from assembly to parts fabrication. However, CNC outsourcing takes this control away to an extent as they entrust CNC machining to another firm. This factor may lead to disagreements on terms if not properly negotiated.

However, reaching a good agreement with a reliable company and providing clear requirements will help reduce the risk of getting unsatisfactory results from outsourcing.

Challenges in Communication

As stated above, clear requirements are necessary when outsourcing a task and delegation in general. The success of CNC machining outsourcing relies greatly on the clarity of communication between both companies.

However, discrepancies in communication due to language barriers or other factors may affect the efficiency of the entire process, leading to low-quality output. You can avoid this by establishing a clear mode of communication from the onset.

Increase in Logistics Cost

While CNC machining outsourcing can save you the cost of setting up and running expensive machinery, it comes with logistics costs. If you outsource to a company that is far from your production facility, it may incur more costs for transporting CNC machining materials to the partner. Partnering with a company nearby can help mitigate this challenge.

How to Choose the Right Partner for Outsourced CNC Machining Services?

When employing the concept of outsourcing CNC machining, you have to develop a good method of reducing the challenges and maximizing the benefits. One of the ways to achieve this is by choosing the right partner for your outsourcing. Several factors should be considered when choosing your partner:

Good Reviews and Track Record

When checking for a reliable partner to handle your CNC machining, always endeavor to examine the company’s track record and history. Also, check other reviews from customers who have previously used this company.

Ask for references from companies before deciding to go with them, and ensure you get at least an 80% positive review before you settle for them. CNC machining China companies like WayKen have a proven track record with a vast array of positive reviews from past customers.

Evaluate Transparency

You must assess the level of transparency of your prospective partner before deciding on them. Ensure that this company has an effective mode of communication for clear information exchange. Transparency can also be verified from past customer reviews, as well as first-time experiences. Endeavor to avoid service providers that don’t respond promptly to inquiries and are not concerned with customer satisfaction.

Technical Know-How

This is one of the most important factors you should consider when choosing a partner for CNC machining outsourcing. Always insist on a company that employs the best practices in CNC machining programming and prototyping services. Ensure that their workforce is well-trained and experienced in the manufacturing of the targeted industry components and understands market requirements regarding them. Getting an experienced and knowledgeable partner will contribute immensely to the success of your CNC outsourcing.

Value for Money

This factor entails that you go for a partner that assures you of the best return on investment. This includes getting a trustworthy partner that would deliver the required quality and precision needed for these components. Also, one that is close by to eliminate the high costs of logistics and shipping.

Experience One-stop Services: Outsource Your CNC Projects to WayKen

Experience effective CNC project management with WayKen’s one-stop services. Outsourcing your CNC machining services to WayKen provides precision, flexibility, and excellent quality control, ensuring your projects are completed with expected results.

With a team of experienced specialists, WayKen can streamline production while reducing costs, offering you the chance to focus on other business priorities. Enjoy efficient processes and output quality without the heavy investment in expensive machinery. Let WayKen’s proven expertise drive your next CNC project to success.


Can outsourcing CNC machining improve production efficiency?

Yes, it improves the overall efficiency of the process by streamlining production, reducing lead time, and allowing for rapid scaling.

What are the first steps to take when considering outsourcing CNC machining?

One of the first and most important steps for success in CNC outsourcing is to evaluate the necessary parts or processes to outsource for better efficiency.

What industries benefit the most from outsourced CNC machining?

A vast array of industries benefits from the efficiency and precision afforded by effective CNC machining outsourcing. These include the aerospace, automotive, electronics, and medical devices industries.

First Article Inspection (FAI) in Manufacturing: What Do You Nee

Click:Spearmint Nicotine Pouches

  • August 17, 2024

First Article Inspection (FAI) is a quality control procedure in production that validates that a part has been manufactured according to requirements. It gives manufacturing professionals confidence in their planning and paves the way for larger batch production.

In this article, we will discuss what is first article inspection, go over the details of a first article inspection report, and summarize the FAI process.


What is First Article Inspection?

Why is the FAI Important in Manufacturing?

Tools Used for FAI Process

Main Documents in FAI Report

First Article Inspection Process

When Should First Article Inspection be Used?

PPAP vs FAI: What is the Difference?

WayKen Ensures Prototyping to Production for Your Projects



What is First Article Inspection?

Let us start by establishing a definition of 1st article inspection. First Article Inspection (also abbreviated as FAI) is a fundamental process in manufacturing production that helps ensure everything is up to the mark before full-scale production begins.

It involves a series of initial checks and documentation of the first item produced in a new manufacturing run to verify the viability and performance of the manufacturing setup. It is also common to implement an FAI process on existing products after major changes in their engineering design.

1st article inspection is a common process in high-precision industries with a lot of costs associated with production failures. For example, the aviation, defense, and automotive industries follow established quality control and inspection standards in their FAI process. Some of the well-recognized standards include SAE AS9102, EN9102, and ISO 9001.

Why is the FAI Important in Manufacturing?

Now that we have an understanding of the FAI meaning, let us dive a bit deeper and see how the FAI process is significant for manufacturers.

Confidence in Manufacturing Processes

The core purpose of 1st article inspection is to validate the manufacturing process in the production line. Generally, any errors or issues are identified during the FAI process, reducing the investors’ risk by minimizing cost, time wastage, and possibly even product callbacks in the future.

For example, suppose a part is to be made with CNC machining, and the CAM program developed by the production team accidentally adds an extra tool offset in one of their operations. This will show up during part inspection in the FAI process as a dimensional error, helping the team identify the root cause and fix it.

Ensure Product Quality

In a manufacturing environment, most quality checks are generally performed at the end of a production run. Thus, any quality issues are identified at a point where not much can be done about them. This is a high-risk situation for parts like airplane wing trusses or medical instruments.

Another reason to implement 1st article inspection is to perform an in-depth quality check for the first manufactured article and pinpoint any quality problems before they appear in a mass-produced batch. This gives the production team the confidence to go ahead with mass production.

Compliance with Industry Standards

As mentioned above, there are several industry standards for first article inspection that companies follow. By meeting the FAI requirements and preparing a professional FAI report, manufacturers show their compliance with these standards.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Enhancing customer relationships is another purpose of 1st article inspection. Many businesses offer custom manufacturing services to their customers. By providing customers with a first article inspection report before beginning a batch, the manufacturer conveys their professionalism and dedication to customer satisfaction, which is always a good way to strengthen customer relationships.

Tools Used for FAI Process

1st article inspection can comprise a full-scale product inspection consisting of dimensional checks and mechanical testing, among other quality checks. In this section, we will discuss some of the common first article inspection equipment and procedures.

Hand Measuring Tools

The first and foremost quality check in an FAI process is dimensional. A quality expert checks all the part dimensions and tolerances with the reference values to the engineering drawing.

The most common way to perform these checks is through hand-measuring tools like calipers, micrometers, dial gauges, and surface plates. The quality professional may use analog or digital tools, depending on the first article inspection requirement.

Coordinate Measuring Machine

A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is quite useful for performing dimensional and form verifications for high-precision parts. A CMM has higher measurement accuracy than hand tools and can measure hard-to-check features like internal crevices and curves. Therefore, a CMM is quite helpful where manual tools are ineffective.

Additionally, a CMM can also generate detailed reports to share inspection results with the production team and customers.

Mechanical Testing

For certain products, mechanical properties are also important to check apart from dimensions. The most common check in this regard is material verification. Engineers use tools like spectrometers and hardness testers to check whether the material is up-to-the-mark or not.

Moreover, other mechanical testing for attributes like surface roughness, electrical properties, and cracks are also common in FAI procedures.


1st article inspection is a detailed process with a significant amount of documentation. Manufacturers prefer to use professional software to handle these first article inspection requirements in a time-efficient and professional manner.

These software are generally integrated with the proprietary software being used in the company. For example, they may read quality inspection data directly from digital instruments like CMM, cameras, or RFID scanners, saving a lot of time and minimizing human error.

Main Documents in FAI Report

The First Article Inspection Report (FAIR) is a document that records the procedure and result of each activity in the FAI process. It is a comprehensive overview of the quality of the article, offering readers a quick way to analyze the performance of the manufacturing process.

Manufacturers follow various guidelines and conventions for generating FAI reports. Therefore, it is not easy to pinpoint an exact format. Therefore, in this section, we will comprehensively highlight some of the main documents in the first article inspection report as per the AS9102 standard.

Form 1: Part Number Accountability

This is an introductory form that documents the part being inspected, including its unique identification, revision number, and any of its sub-assemblies.
It brings the reader up to date with the specific product/sub-assembly this FAI is referring to and what they should expect in subsequent forms.

Form 2: Product Accountability

This form documents details about the raw materials, production-related processes, and any functional tests associated with manufacturing the part. It helps ensure that the correct material and appropriate processes (heat treatment, surface treatments, etc.) are used in the process.

Furthermore, it also contains information about functional tests performed on the article. These tests can be for material characteristics or performance. Form 2 explains the procedural details as well as the testing environment.

Form 3: Characteristic Accountability

Form 3 mainly records the results of dimensional inspections. It includes information on how well the features of the part conform to their set dimensions, tolerances, and form tolerances.

This information helps manufacturing engineers gauge the success and flaws of operations like CNC machining, grinding, additive manufacturing, etc.

Balloon Drawing

A balloon drawing, or a bubble drawing, is like an appendix in the first article inspection report. It consists of the part’s technical drawing with a ‘bubble/balloon’ placed at points of interest in an FAI process. For example, if a certain surface needs to have a specific roughness value, that surface may be identified with a balloon.

Balloon drawings simplify the inspection process, facilitate communication between team members, and ensure completeness of the 1st article inspection process.

First Article Inspection Process

The FAI process is very systematic in nature. A well-planned 1st article inspection can have several steps for smooth and effective execution. A brief overview of its common steps is as follows:

1. Planning

In the beginning, engineers make some core decisions to define the first article inspection requirements. They define which industrial standards to follow, what processes to include, and draft balloon drawings to serve as benchmarks.

2. First Article Production

After planning, the production line manufactures the first article in question. This process is in collaboration with the production team. The article may be the very first or an article from a particular batch.

3. Inspection

The next step is the actual inspection. Experts utilize first article inspection equipment to verify part dimensions, material properties, and other characteristics defined during the planning phase.

4. Documentation

After the inspection processes are finished, the next step is to draft the first article inspection report. It contains all the necessary details of the FAI process procedures, results, and reference information.

5. Review and Approval

The final step is to review the report. This is, of course, the responsibility of a senior team member, who performs a detailed check of all activities and approves the report if satisfactory. With this, the first article is either approved or rejected for further production, and the report is ready for sharing with the customers.

When Should First Article Inspection be Used?

1st article inspection has multiple use cases where it can be beneficial for manufacturers, customers, and other stakeholders.

Arguably, its most relevant application is when launching a new product. After designing it and preparing it for manufacturing, it is good to test the viability of the manufacturing setup through an FAI process.

There are, however, some other reasons to perform a first article inspection as well. Whenever there is a major design change that makes it to the production stage, it is prudent to re-analyze the efficiency of the manufacturing setup with FAI.

Similarly, other reasons to trigger a new FAI process can be a change in manufacturing equipment, production sites, and suppliers. All these reasons have the potential to deteriorate manufacturing quality to a point where the product may not be able to pass quality checks. 1st article inspection can be very helpful to identify flaws in time and save resources.

PPAP vs FAI: What is the Difference?

Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) is a quality control process in manufacturing that ensures that a manufacturer is capable of producing components up to a certain standard. By definition, PPAP is quite similar to 1st article inspection.

While it is true that these processes are very much alike, there are some fundamental differences that we aim to highlight in this section. A summary of the PPAP vs FAI is in the table below.

FAI PPAP Focuses on the first article of a production run. Performs consistent checks on numerous articles throughout the production run. Performs checks on the first article only but does not guarantee continual success in future production runs. Has a broad coverage of various aspects of a production line including readiness and consistency of producing results. Documentation includes FAI reports and balloon drawings. PPAP has extensive documentation including but not limited to quality results, control plans, process flow charts, and failure modes. More popular in defense and aerospace applications. Common in mass production industries like automotive.

WayKen Ensures Prototyping to Production for Your Projects

WayKen is a rapid manufacturer providing custom machining services. Our capabilities include precision CNC machining, rapid injection molding, vacuum casting, 3d printing, and post-finishing. At WayKen, we pride ourselves on our high-quality standards, which include exhaustive FAI procedures and reports for all our production runs.


1st article inspection is a well-established quality control technique in manufacturing that gives suppliers confidence in their capabilities to produce high-quality products. A professional FAI process can be highly beneficial in enhancing manufacturing efficiency, customer satisfaction, and profitability.


What are some common challenges in implementing FAI?

FAI can be challenging when several suppliers are involved, which can cause results to deviate and be unreliable. For complex parts, FAI can be time-consuming and require a lot of resources, which may not seem financially justifiable for a single part.

How can manufacturers ensure a successful FAI process?

An established, standardized approach is a must for a successful FAI process. Preferably, in compliance with known industry standards. Additionally, having personnel with clearly defined roles, calibrated equipment, and report formats also contributes to the success of an FAI process.

How is FAI related to quality management systems?

FAI is an integral part of quality management systems. It ensures that all parts meet design requirements and that the production process is capable of producing consistent quality products.

Keyword: cnc turning

Corrosion resistant linear bearing

LM76 has developed a new corrosion resistant linear bearing. In space, deep under the sea, or in the harshest environments when there can be no “Plan B,” Pegasus Series 1 Linear Ball Bearings can be counted on. In some applications linear bearings will not move for days, weeks, months or even years, however, when called on to perform they must work as if they just came out of the box. LM76’s Pegasus Series 1 Linear Bearings feature Silicon Nitride (SiNi) Ceramic Balls in a shell with retainer and end caps all made from 440 Stainless Steel and then ArmorloyTM coated.

Silicon Nitride was selected for the balls because it is: 40% lighter than steel, inert to chemicals (vapors, sea water, caustic washing and sterilizing solutions), capable of higher speeds and higher loads: (RC78 hardness), FDA compliant (used in surgical instruments), and does not corrode or support electrolysis.

The shell, bearing retainer and end caps are made from 440 Stainless Steel and coated with Armoloy TDCTM (Thin Dense Chrome). Armoloy is a hard (78Rc), coating with a micro-nodular surface texture. The coating’s nodular finish reduces the amount of surface area in contact with the SiNi balls reducing friction and extending life.

Pegasus Linear Bearings are available 2 series (closed and open), and in 4 sizes (1.000, 1.250, 1.500 and 2.000-in.). Dynamic load rating for these bearings are: 1.000-in. 220 lbs, 1.250-in. 352 lbs, 1.500-in. 490 lbs, and 2.000-in. 858 lbs. Bearings are designed for zero clearance on Class L linear shafting. For maximum performance we recommend LM76 Case Hardened 440 Stainless Steel shafting with Armoloy coating.


Composite cutterhead shaft bearing

Click:30FU 30kA 3 Phase 2 SPD

After ten years and more than 100,000 operating hours dredging up silt, sand, rocks and stones in some of the toughest marine environments, the Thordon Composite bearing installed on the Al Mirfa’s dredge cutter head shaft has emerged unscathed.

In drydock where the NMDC-owned dredger is being upgraded, Thordon Bearings’ Dubai-based distributor, Ocean Power International, expected that even the ‘unbreakable’ might need replacing after such demanding workloads, but it didn’t. “The Composite bearing was still in perfect working condition,” said Rafid Qureshi, Managing Director, Ocean Power International Inc.

Maarten Jansen, Thordon Bearings’ Regional Manager, said: “The water-lubricated Composite bearing was installed in 2007 to the Royal IHC-built vessel, a 97m heavy duty cutter suction dredger. These dredgers operate in some very tough environments, which require a tough, durable bearing capable of withstanding the excessive wear and tear encountered during dredging operations. These vessel types place inordinately high loads on the cutter shaft bearing which, in the past, often resulted in the replacement of traditional greased bronze and rubber bearings every six to eight months. That the Thordon solution didn’t need replacing after ten years of heavy duty service is indicative of the durability and robustness of the materials we use in all our polymer bearings.”

Composite bearing wear rates in the abrasive conditions most dredgers operate are typically half that of rubber bearings, reducing maintenance downtime over the life of the vessel. But performance was not the only reason why the dredging sector has moved away from traditional bearing materials.

“With the emergence of more stringent environmental regulations in the late 1990s most dredgers are now fitted with water-lubricated cutter shaft bearings, said Jansen. “Dredgers have to operate in some very ecologically sensitive environments and owners cannot risk polluting seas and sediments with grease and oil. For dredger owners, a water-lubricated cutter shaft bearing is often a key factor in being awarded these sensitive area projects.”

The actual bearing surface is a black homogeneous material called GM2401 which is fused to a stiff, high strength polymer sleeve to provide unprecedented performance and environmental safety. They are available for a wide range of shaft diameters in both tube and stave configuration.

Upgrade work includes the installation of the latest versions of the IHC Dredge Profile Monitor and Automatic Cutter Controller along with the installation of a dredge fleet monitoring system. NMDC opted to install the most recent versions of these automation systems to ensure its vessels are fully up-to-date and to enhance the efficiency of its operations.

Thordon Bearings

Keyword: bearing factory

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5 Key Differences Between Injection and Blow Molding – Mayco Int

Click:财务发票识别 腾讯

Aug 07/24

5 Key Differences Between Injection and Blow Molding


U.S. plastics is a $371 billion industry. Innovations in plastic resins and production methods have contributed to almost every major industry, from automotive to aerospace, construction to consumer goods.

Injection and blow molding are two popular plastic molding techniques. They both have different pros and cons, and each is preferable for distinct applications.

Below are five key distinctions between injection and blow molding. Keep reading to learn more about these unique processes, so you can decide which one might be right for your project or industry.

1. Manufacturing Processes

The manufacturing processes of injection and blow molding are quite distinct. Injection molding, which has been around for more than 150 years, uses high pressure to inject molten thermoplastic into a two-part mold. Once the plastic cools and solidifies, the mold is opened and the part is ejected.

Blow molding uses melted plastic as well. It is formed into a parison, which is a tube-like form with a hole in one end.

The parison is placed into the mold and air is blown into it. Air pressure expands the plastic to fit the mold’s shape.

The plastic cools and solidifies. After, the mold is removed and the process is repeated.

2. Mold Design

Injection molding uses a two-part mold cavity or core. It also can involve multiple cavities for mass production. The mold allows for making very complex and precise parts, one of the biggest injection molding benefits.

Blow molding also involves a two-part mold cavity that forms the exterior shape of the product. The design focuses on creating a uniform wall thickness. This is important for the structural integrity of very thin walls.

3. Moulding Applications

Both blow molding and injection molding are suitable for high-volume production and can use a range of plastic resins. However, the types of parts they make are distinct.

Injection molding can be used to make a variety of complex and detailed parts. These include automotive components, electronics, medical devices, and other items.

Blow molding is used to produce single-component hollow containers, such as bottles, air ducts, or fuel containers. These are impossible to produce using injection molding.

The flip side is that producing thin-walled hollow parts is the only suitable application for blow molding. It cannot be used to make intricate parts or thick-walled products.

4. Material Usage and Waste

Since injection molding is a highly controlled process, there is very little excess plastic waste. Also, materials like sprues and runners can be reused.

Blow molding can result in more material waste. That is due to trimming excess material away from the neck and bottom of finished products.

5. Cost

One major benefit of blow molding is that it is more economical than injection molding. That is because setup costs, including tooling, for injection molds are substantially higher. However, both injection and blow molding are relatively cost-effective options for large production runs.

Find Injection and Blow Molding Services Near You

Now that you understand the differences between injection and blow molding, you can determine which one may be best for your project or business. An experienced manufacturer can further advise you on the pros and cons of each method.

Mayco International is a provider of Tier 1 interior and exterior automotive components. We are headquartered in Michigan but have affiliates throughout the world. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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